I received a warning last night that we were running out of space for attachments – these include photos and documents attached to stories, and also, in the same folder, your personalised avatars.I anguished a bit about what to take out to leave space: I didn't want to lose the years' worth of letterboxes and weatherboard buildings, or any of our avatars.For now I have increased the available space, which will last us a few more years: it will also require that I watch the overall size of the website, or we'll wind up getting blocked again for exceeding our diskspace allowance. So the web-geek will need to be vigilant about backups and logfiles building up. At some stage we will have to make a call to ditch some old stuff: either we'll run out of space, or the system will become slowed by having to retrieve stuff out of a huge directory. We can all put off this day by storing our photos elsewhere and linking to them to place them inline with our post, rather than attaching them. Photobucket is one popular site used by many to do this. Once you get your photo uploaded to Photobucket, hover your mouse over the thumbnail, and a drop down menu will appear below it. Left click on the bottom line - the IMG code - which will copy it to your clipboard.
Then paste that code straight into your post: you don't need to use the "Insert Image" button or anything magic.
And there are your images displayed in your post, without costing bmwor.org.nz any diskspace.(And, by the way, that good looking sports-tourer in the first screen grab above is still for sale, $6500 to a BMWOR Register member. 09 268 1321)