Home Forums Ride Reports Annual Rally and East Cape Tour

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    We've just returned from out 3rd Annual Rally, which we extended to include a tour around the East Cape. All up we covered 3000km in 9 days, including about 300km on gravel. I'll just post a few pictures of the highlights and won't bore you much with the details. Feel free to ask any questions, I am happy to answer them. If you have more pictures of the rally please go ahead and post them here or if you prefer, start your own thread.Just under a 100 people attended the rally. There were well over 60 bikes. The setting was superb and the rally ran without a hitch, as far as I could tell. I am sure we'll return for one reason or another. Oh, if I post a picture here with your mug on it and you want it removed, the picture that is, let me know immediately.The crowd at feeding timeDSC09204.jpgThe shiny bike competition (concourse d'elegance)Some said that the competition was rigged, but the judges could not find any evidence to support this outrageous claimDSC09210.jpgDSC09209.jpgDSC09207.jpgOh, if you looked out the windows you saw thisDSC09198.jpgDSC09199.jpgWe toured some of the local attractions, but the place names around here border on the verboseDSC09211.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Still, nice scenery where ever you lookedDSC09213.jpgDSC09218.jpgDSC09222.jpgThe brand new Otane cafe in the old libraryDSC09215.jpgDSC09216.jpgNext stop Tolaga Bay, we stayed at the Tolaga Bay Inn, I don't recommend it. Nevertheless it's in a nice location.DSC09231.jpgThe famous wharf, all 600 meters of it.DSC09225.jpgWho can resist a walk down Adventure St.?DSC09234.jpgTokemaru Bay also has a wharfDSC09235.jpgWhen you get closer it looks like thisDSC09240.jpgBut when you look even closer you think you're at Kelly Tarton's DSC09242.jpgMt Hikurangi basking in the sunDSC09245.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Heading out to the East Cape light houseDSC09248.jpgThe light house, most of it anyway. I was already half way down the cliff to get this shotDSC09251-1.jpgThe view from up thereDSC09250.jpgDSC09253.jpgQuick break, to be continued......

    Post count: 267

    Hi Alex – nice report and great pics – looks like those who attended the rally had a great time – cheers S

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Hi Alex - nice report and great pics - looks like those who attended the rally had a great time - cheers S

    Thanks Stephen. I've started to clean the bikes today. But it looks like it will carry over until tomorrow. They were pretty dusty.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    A couple we met was using this as  there transport around the Cape. I quite like it.DSC09256.jpgJust past Te AraroaDSC09257.jpgGot to have one with the church.DSC09260.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    The wharf at OpotikiDSC09299.jpgDSC09300.jpgWe did the Old Motu road next. This was probably my favourite ride of this trip. The first 4km were quite tricky, until we managed to pass the grader. After that it was just a simple gravel road, with virtually no traffic. One ute passed us while we were stopped and we met a bunch of mtb riders coming the other way. I highly recommend this road. the scenery was stunning. Do try to stay on the road, though, as there is a massive drop off most of the time. Thankfully vegetation covers most of it and keeps the distraction to a minimum.DSC09268.jpgHard to see, but you don't want to fall down here.DSC09267.jpgStunning valleysDSC09271.jpgDSC09272.jpgGerda checking out the water crossingDSC09273.jpgbefore doing it in styleDSC09274.jpgDSC09277.jpgDSC09278.jpgOnce you reach Motu, take the time to ride out to the falls and swing bridge. I feel very insecure on these bridges.DSC09281.jpgLocals have said that during heavy rain the falls virtually disappear. DSC09282.jpgRoad block Kiwi style. DSC09285.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Next we moved on to the Waikaremoana road. We did it from the Murupara side. This road was dusty and well traveled. It appears that people in 4x4s need to stay at least 1m away from the edge of the road and leave it up to the bikes to move into the loose stuff. Watch out for vehicles with boat trailers. Loved the scenery, especially on a rare almost cloudless day.DSC09305.jpgDSC09308.jpgDSC09309.jpgThe lake is huge, but you mostly only see a side arm at a timeDSC09311.jpgDSC09310.jpgInteresting rock formationsDSC09312.jpgDSC09313.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    After spending the night in Wairoa at the Cafe 287 we enjoyed the view and the breakfast.DSC09315.jpgDSC09316.jpgThen we moved on to the Gentle Annie. There is about 20-25km of unsealed road left, but its is really one giant roadworks. It won;t be long and the whole road will be sealed. The current surface is not very enjoyable anyway. Getting lost in a cloud of dust from one of the large trucks is not very nice either. Again, the scenery is very pretty, but you may wish to wait until the road is finished before checking it out.DSC09324.jpgDSC09327.jpgDSC09328.jpgDSC09331.jpgDSC09326.jpgThe last night was spent in Ohakune. There was still lots of snow left on the mountain, even though it was very warm in town.DSC09339.jpgWe found this bird's nest and are looking forward to a similar situation.DSC09340.jpgThanks for taking the time to read all this, I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Just to finish things off. Including the rally we've spent 9 days doing 3000km including 300km of gravel. We had one rainy day at the rally and got home dry before it started to rain an hour later.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Great pics and report Alex, it looks like you had a ball, I was looking forward to doing the East Cape after the rally too but circumstances dictated otherwise.  🙁

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Great pics and report Alex, it looks like you had a ball, I was looking forward to doing the East Cape after the rally too but circumstances dictated otherwise.  🙁

    Oh Jim, we heard about this at the rally, and I am sorry to say that due to the distraction of the remainder of the trip ( and a case of Altzheimers)  I forgot all about it. We were all very concerned about this and hope that it's much better now.

    Post count: 151

    Thank you very much for the report & photos.The photos are so beautiful  😆

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    nice ride Alex. You also should of one in to the west of Taihape and gone down sth towards Hunterville and then west and loop back up parallel to papaparas on east side and coming out on fields tracks

    Clive Lawrence
    Post count: 131

    Great pics, wish I was there… however there was that or our wedding…  🙂

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