Home › Forums › General Discussion › And now what for Auckland?
Guest13/11/2010 at 10:19 amPost count: 2134The last BMWOR Committee Meeting in Auckland, for who knows how long 'twill be, was held on Monday 8th November, and it segued into the first Auckland Area social meeting, leaving some of the senior members with a distinct look of, “What happens next?” upon their faces.That expression is understandable: there would be NO Register if it wasn't for those people, and it is now boldly going in directions they had not contemplated when they set it up, back in the day.................What will happen for starters is that the Vintage Car Clubrooms are paid for up to June, so that is where our meetings will be, at least until then (same Bat-time, same Bat-channel). In fact there is a strongly held wish of most of those present on the 8th, whether oldies or newbies, to continue at that venue, with a possibility that we may at some future time have to ask for a gold coin or some such on attendance to cover hire of the rooms. We certainly wouldn't find another venue for comparable dollars, let alone a venue with built in kit for showing videos, photos and so on. And that is a huge bonus to us, given some of the trips our members make: there are a wealth of stories and pictures to be told and seen yet before I'll ever get sick of it.There will be meeting on the 13th December, and we will do something seasonally silly, no bout adoubt it. Watch this space for details, and I will also post another mass email to those of you that have given John Wuts an up to date email address when you renewed your membership.The subject of forming a formal "branch" of BMWOR in Auckland was very quickly touched on, and very quickly discarded. When we get to about 400 members in Auckland I might want to review my thinking on that, but I think it's a good decision. What has been set up is a very informal Steering (Stirring?) Committee consisting of Rob Hargreaves, Jim Young, Rob Waters and me, your faithful Area Rep that nobody wanted to replace, in case they had to do it. So if you have a bee in your bonnet, or a bright idea, or a point you think we should be taking on board, get in touch with one of us. The Fab Four, that's us!
Guest14/11/2010 at 4:09 amPost count: 2134I don't understand how you would sign the clubrooms up to June 2011. I would have thought you would sign up to the next AGM with an agreement to go anther 12 months if required and so on. The BMWOR should be trying to get out of the lease or sub leasing until June as it would be the BMWOR paying for the lease not Auckland members.I would recommend having the odd meeting at our local dealer. The last time I asked the manager he would be happy to host the club.
Guest14/11/2010 at 4:33 amPost count: 2134BMWOR HAS paid until June 2011.It may transpire that BMWOR will elect NOT to pay for a venue for Auckland members to meet at: if that were to happen, it appears from the comments of those who were present at the last meeting that they would be very keen to find a way of paying for that hire from resources other than the BMWOR coffers, which necessarily would involve us putting our hands in our own pockets.Henry did repeat the offer to host meetings at Experience (but that could hardly be monthly), and Cycletreads would perhaps have us again, and who knows else. Depending on even a benevolent business to provide free hosting for a group of Register members for a long term seems to be a wish unlikely to be fulfilled.Without some kind of "home" in Auckland it will be that much more difficult to stop the membership numbers slowly dwindling, and that affects BMWOR right through New Zealand. The less of us there are, the more we have to pay to enjoy the benefits of the companionship of other fools who are smitten with an affection for Bavarian Money Wasters, and the inestimable pool of knowledge that is held within the collective of all those Beemer riders. Not all of us rid ourselves of the quirks of our current Beemer by flicking it for the next one: that knowledge pool is a vital part of our networking to keep our current bikes rocking and rolling.
Each Group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or BMWOR as a whole.Each group should be self supportingIts a growth thing thats happening, keep it simple. Just a couple of thoughts ;D
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