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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Keep an eye out for those stressed and busy policemen:A motorcyclist was seriously hurt yesterday when he crashed into a police car doing a u-turn to pursue a speeding vehicle.It is the second accident involving bike riders crashing into u-turning squad cars in just over a week.Yesterday's crash happened about 9.40am on SH2 near Maramarua when the officer went to answer a call about a speeding Mercedes.A witness said the collision sent the motorbike flying into the air before it crashed on to the road.The motorcyclist was left conscious but had serious leg injuries."It looked as though his foot was hanging off his ankle."He was talking, though, and it looked like he was trying to get a number off his cellphone."The man was very pale and was cared for by a doctor who stopped at the crash scene.The witness said the policeman was feeling "pretty bad" and was heard asking the motorcyclist what direction he was headed in."The [speeding] Mercedes overtook me and the police car turned its lights on and then did a u-turn. I asked him [the police officer] if he was chasing the Mercedes and he said that he was and had clocked it at 142 km/h."On December 2, two riders were seriously hurt in the Upper Buller Gorge on the West Coast when they crashed into a police car doing a u-turn to pursue a speeding motorcyclist.

    Post count: 15

    I had to jump on brakes and veer slightly into the oncoming lane to avoid a police car recently south of Whangarei.police car hiding in a driveway, behind letterbox and shrubbery with his tool pointed out the window,police car takes off after some quota and fails to give way, just barges his way on to the road.oncoming car flashes headlights at me, there was enough room luckily.With a bit of luck, the next policeman that does a U turn without due care, will do it in front of a bloody great big truck.One thing is certain tho, Greg O'Connor will be on the wireless talking about his fine. upstanding well rounded troops yet again.It's probably 20 years since I offered a Policeman some advanced driving lessons, maybe it's time to do it again.

    Post count: 400

    All ways two sides to a story!!!!!!  To date everybody in New Zealand heard only one side!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am every day on the road, must say there is a lot of bikes that are not keeping to the speed limits. 👿  Higher speed is less reaction time and shorter stopping distances. 😡

    Post count: 15

    http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/1/story.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10481634Picture in the Herald article clearly shows a corner on the brow of a hill.I realise the Police prefer that only "they" can decide what is or is not a dangerous place to do a U turn. But they are fortunate to have an authority that looks after their own and if any incidents are too embarrassing there is scope to delay decisions indefinitly (stalling tactics)Yes, there are vehicles with 2 & 4 wheels that exceed the speed limit, don't give way and generally just aren't observant enough to be safe to other road users.Contort as much as you like but the stupidity of the car doing a dangerous U turn put another road user in hospital.Hardly setting an example is it. 

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    I believe it was a bmw rider(am i right?),,,I wish for a speedy recovery.

    Post count: 487

    All ways two sides to a story!!!!!!  To date everybody in New Zealand heard only one side!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am every day on the road, must say there is a lot of bikes that are not keeping to the speed limits. 👿  Higher speed is less reaction time and shorter stopping distances. 😡

    Always a good point. While I despair at the antics of many motorists on a daily basis, including some of our more upstanding citizens in blue, the essence of good riding no matter what speed - and a fundamental principle of the road code as I recall - is knowing that you can stop somewhat shorter than the distnace you can see. There will be those who believe that anyone tooling through the Buller Gorge on a Bennellli or a 999 would be doing so at 90k - I doubt I would be, but I'm not yet cynical enough to write that theory off completely - although  I can feel a Tui moment coming on  😀 Seriously though, both these are nasty accidents. You just feel for the motorcyclists involved and wish a speedy recovery and a decent insurance payout. Should either of the policemen be up for reckless charges it wouldn't come soon enough - but I won't hold my breathe.Cheers,Garry

    Post count: 2134

    All ways two sides to a story!!!!!!  To date everybody in New Zealand heard only one side!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am every day on the road, must say there is a lot of bikes that are not keeping to the speed limits. 👿  Higher speed is less reaction time and shorter stopping distances. 😡

    Now come on the country you come from there would be only one side to the story and that would be the police side. 😛 The Police here are obsessed with speed when they are working different story when they are not. 🙄

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