Home Forums Rides Calendar AKL Register Ride to Tutukaka Nov18

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Meet at Starbucks Westgate for a 9.30 am departure to Tutukaka. Lunch venue to be determined on arrival. Suggestions appreciated.schnapper2.jpg[img width=150 height=106]http://forum.bmwor.org.nz/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=666.0;attach=380;image[/img]

    Post count: 84

    Unable to join the Tutukaka ride, but my wife & I have had good meals at the sports club – I think it's a combo sports club – maybe called 'Greens' or similar- round the back off the main drag behind the local dairy from memory- not down by the marina!.  Enjoy the ride!

    Post count: 151

    Found some info about the “Greens Restaurant”.http://www.discovertutukaka.co.nz/eat.htm(The top one)It doesn't have the street address.Also, they open only from 6 PM during winter, so, perhaps, you'd better call them to ask if they open for lunch or not and get the street address.

    Post count: 84

    Alex:  Bluewater Cottages between Tutukaka & Matapouri would be an excellent destination for the Tutukaka ride (IMHO).  Plenty of off-road parking up a 'challenging'(for cars) farm driveway,  large restaurant space (indoor/outdoor), a luge, small animal zoo.  Made great hamburgers/chips when we were there last year, but you would be well advised to phone them beforehand.  Entrance driveway was poorly defined and easy to pass, so get clear directions & explain who we are!.  Very friendly folk.  Sorry, email access only thru' a booking agency.  Suggest you google or look up Whangarei/Northland phonebook.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I'll need a volunteer to lead this ride as I will be in Wellington due to work commitments. Please let me know if you are interested.

    Post count: 286

    I'm tied up that weekend so will miss the ride altogether. Otherwise I would have suggested that we all turn up on the day and figure out whose doing what then.Alex if you're down in Wellington for a few days and you get a chance to do an evening meal you have to try Siem Reap, 99 Dixon Street. I was there with 9 others and we all thought our meals were superb. I had grilled chicken breat an the plate arrived with three double chicken breasts. The first mouthful was so tasty I just let it sit in my mouth for a moment. The meal was one of the best I'd had. The food scene in Wellington is pretty good.  I just spent about 22 days there.I still love Wellington.

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