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Register ride to Waipu Artform Gallery (09) 43202801 The Centre Waipu Whangarei Northland 05101 The CentreWaipu Meet at Starbucks Westgate for a 9.30am departure. I won't be there due to work commitments. [img width=150 height=106]http://forum.bmwor.org.nz/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=652.0;attach=362;image[/img]
Inactive16/11/2008 at 9:18 pmPost count: 305A glorious day!We met at Starbucks, about 20 bikes in all. Some old faces, and some new bikes, including a beautiful new Monster 696. I have to say that the Italians know their red, what a gorgeous machine! Dean, unfortunately, was a pedestrian, as was Dave Allen, who seemed genuinely shocked that so many people would actually be RIDING their bikes. On a SUNDAY. In NOVEMBER no less. So after a quick contest of "bags-not", we had a new ride leader and we were off.We took the old standby route SH16 - Old North - Peak Rd - Kaukapakapa with nothing to note except that George is a hoon. There were a few raindrops on the way up Hwy 16, but luckily (for Gerda) no police. A quick stop in Wellsford for a breather, and fuel for the KTM, and we carried on. The road out to Mangawhai (hmm, what was it called?) was brilliant, and the tight road through the gorge was even better, and then along those beautiful beaches - mmwa! (picture fingertips from lips to the air). I had never been on those roads before, and I was very impressed. I don't mind if we find other lunch spots up that way in the future.I didn't get us lost until we were about half a block past the Artform Gallery, so I asked a lady from the Info Centre, and she had never heard of it. Or she didn't understand me because she was Swedish. Foreigners, what can you do? Fortunately, there were a number of trained Cherokee guides in the group who somehow intuitively knew where the gallery was, and were able to navigate us back to the right spot. Turns out it's about the biggest building on the street, and not a small sign either. As a penalty for getting us almost-lost, I was forced to eat the last seared lamb salad. Sorry Gerda!Thanks everyone, it was a great day!DTY
Yes a great ride thanks Dave, and for once no boys in blue on HW 16.
Thanks for leading the ride, Dave. I've enjoyed reading your report, but I would have preferred to be there in person, instead of spending the weekend inside.
Inactive17/11/2008 at 6:29 amPost count: 305Yeah, that's a tough one. I spent the night inside the Newport Beach drunk tank in 1987, but I was able to go riding the following afternoon.
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