Home Forums Ride Reports Ahhhh spring time….

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  • Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Even if it's not official yesterday was definitely spring like .  A warm sunny day greeted a big group of Auckland riders and pillions keen to get the wind in their eyebrows and blow the dust off their boots.  We were lucky to be on time because by the time I'd realized Jean was saying “shouldn't we have gone off there” I was heading in to Auckland *&^%$#  and had to go to the Lincoln Road turn off to do an about face and head back to Westfield.  No matter as “Ten o-clock prompt” turned in to more like ten thirty with a big queue for coffee starters and then a briefing from Terry but hey who was complaining.  A couple of options for the day's ride with some heading straight for our destination of Shelly Beach via the old north road and Parakai while others lead by John and Linda Glaswell went looking for gravel down at South Head 8).  Jean and I took the direct route as I was hungry and didn't want to be at the back of a sizeable queue for lunch  ;D  Terry had arranged a special for the club with a $10 fish chip and salad meal so that was for us and I have to say it was the nicest fish and chips I've had in some time, the batter absolutely top notch and the coffee too was just about perfect.  I didn't hear any complaints from our local critic Jim so must assume he was satisfied too. Jim? Still sorting my camera problems so looking for some pics please?  Kiwi Rider liked it too:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HDFi_9nd5Ashellybeach.jpgBob and Fleur looking happy after a test ride on the Adventure, could be a change coming up soon eh Bob?1-P1060315.jpg

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