Home Forums Ride Reports AGM 2006

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  • Tharon KNOETZE
    Post count: 62

    I also would like to echo Alex's sentiments. As new members, Lesley and I were looking forward to the AGM – meeting club members and putting faces to names. Once the meeting started we were astounded at the “passion” some members had towards some issues and the Excecutive. Comments were made about new members “taking a long look at themselves” – however, it seems when they do their new ideas are not easily accepted. We think the register should be about riding and enjoying BMW motorcycles in a social atmosphere without the angst that was shown at this meeting. 😀

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    yeah but thats why the executive are paid the big bucks. Ya don't get paid all that money for nothing ya know. 👿

    Post count: 400

    This was our first one since in New Zealand.  Very different from back home.The BMW AGM there are usual from the Friday till the Sunday.  There are new models to ride and inspect. Stalls to buy accessories, look at new stuff from BMW. Then the Saturday before the meeting a mass ride.Meeting and then the big eat. 😀I think the meeting can really be jacket up to attract more people to the meeting and to be more interesting to members.

    Post count: 2134

    This was our first one since in New Zealand.  Very different from back home.

    What do they do in SA "shot there president" as here they only abuse him. 😡 for trying

    Post count: 400

    Maybe he listens to his members and what they want 😀That is why BMW is so big there and the meetings are well attended. 😮Herewith a itenary of a meeting.27th April 09h00 Arrival and registration 10h30 Dirt route rides depart (Short route) 11h00 Tar route rides depart (Short route) 15h30 Motorcycling Games 2006 18h30 Get-Together – Announcements and photos of the day 28th 08h00 Dirt route rides depart 08h30 Tar route rides depart 15h30 Motorcycling Games 2006 18h30 Get-Together – Announcements and photos of the day 19h30 Dinner – BBQ 29th 08h00 Dirt route rides depart 08h30 Tar route rides depart 15h30 Motorcycling Games 2006 18h30 Get-Together – Announcements and photos of the day 19h30 Dinner - Gala 30th 08h00 Dirt route rides depart 08h30 Tar route rides depart 18h30 Get-Together – Announcements and photos of the day 1st May   Depart at leisure

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Maby he listens to his members and what they want 😀That is why BMW is so big there and the meetings are well attended. 😮

    Look this exactly what we need, a productive discussion during the year, instead of a duck shoot at the AGM. There are too many Luddites in the club :wink:, who don't like to use the internet. It wouldn't be too hard to set up a members only area in the forum to discuss these issues in private.How did the size of your local club compare with ours? We are only small fry here. I think that we could do more to attract new members, as the long term future of the club depends on it. A sizeable membership has significantly more clout when it comes to attracting sponsorships for events.

    Post count: 400

    Have a look at  -     www.bmw-motorrad.co.zaBecause of the size of the country the main club is divided to make it easy for all.BMW Motorcycle Club Central BMW Motorcycle Club Cape BMW Motorcycle Club Durban BMW Motorcycle Club Eastern Cape BMW Motorcycle Club PretoriaThe grand total of members i do not know.Some of the clubs have a photo page of the last AGM and all the happenings there.There must be more pride out there in NZ and to be proud of the product and the people it stands for.So think there is more to do to attract the people to the club.

    Post count: 487

    This cracks me up; we seem to have this type of discussion after every AGM, in the old days it was by phone  😀As Alex rightly points out the Register depends on the few who are willing to do some work. There will always be those who just pay a membership and expect that things will just hum along nicely forever. There are people that arrive at the AGM every year with their own little agendas and nine times out of ten it'll be the only time you see them. It disappoints me though that there are two people who have posted here saying they will not be going back to another AGM after this experience.Malcolm makes the point that there are those who have held positions in the club before and they, along with many others, have been instrumental in guiding the club to it's present situation.  Of course they (and I count myself as one of them) have a long-lasting and keen interest in the Register and want to see it prosper and grow.First off people need to decide that the Register is the right place to be before going off half cocked and slamming the executive or wanting to make changes that perhaps don't sit within the aims and objectives of the Register.  Note the use of the word "Register" here and not "club".Back in 1998/99 Noel and I, and the other members of the Executive of the day, spent a significant amount of time and effort, voluntary as you well know, determining a strategy that would enable us to continue the good work of the previous exec teams. Part of this strategy involved business planning sessions with members from all regions (including specific meetings with Area Reps) to determine just what it was that the Register would provide to its members and how best to structure the register to deliver this. All this work, and work that was done previously, led to the incorporation of the Register in July 1999.Just for the record, an Incorporated Society is defined as an "institution and culture of a distinct self-perpetuating group, organisation or association of persons engaged in a common profession, activity, or interest where a legal state of existence signifies that the entity has been recognized". That is, a legal entity has been authorized by a state or other political authority to operate according to the entity's approved articles of incorporation or charter.Our business plan of the day identified as the key aims and objectives of the executive the following: 1) to link together in a sense of friendship, all persons with a common interest in BMW motorcycles;2) to arrange "Register" runs and discussion evening to encourage and stimulate a common interest; and3) to establish correspondence with other interested Members throughout New Zealand and abroadThese objectives fit well with the decision to incorporate the Register and are actually set out in the Constitution.I'm not knocking the Exec teams post 2002, especially the Exec 2005/06. There's been some good innovation that fits within the current aims and objectives of the Register, this website been a great example of what can be achieved. What I will say though is that I've gone a year or so now without feeling that I, as a Member of the organisation, have any idea about the direction in which the Exec wanted to move the organisation. There's no sense that there is a current business plan nor has there been much consultation with the wider membership base on ideas put forward by Members. In the most recent newsletter John Wutts has put forward an idea to change the Exec and Committee structure required to make decisions though the year and I've also heard murmurings about changes to constitutional rules and the like. I have no problem with any of this stuff - it's called progress - but the Exec team need to deal with it and deal with it within the current rules of the Register. Otherwise - you do tend to get ambushed at AGMs.Adv Theron - let's hear your ideas on "how the meeting can really be jacket(sic) up to attract more people to the meeting and to be more interesting to members". Did you put your hand up for an Exec spot?Nuff said - nice down down here, think I'll go for a ride  😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    In the most recent newsletter John Wutts has put forward an idea to change the Exec and Committee structure required to make decisions though the year and I've also heard murmurings about changes to constitutional rules and the like. I have no problem with any of this stuff - it's called progress - but the Exec team need to deal with it and deal with it within the current rules of the Register. Otherwise - you do tend to get ambushed at AGMs.

    I have read John's comments and he has valid points. It has been difficult to achieve any sort of continuity due to the fact that President and the Secretary are currently being replaced at the same time. I believe what we currently have is a lack of communication.  If members or areas have an issue they should contact the executive in order to have it sorted. Perhaps we need to set up a survey for all areas to fill in and send to the executive, on paper of course. My expectations of the Register aren't very demanding. I enjoy going on the Register rides and attending Register events. I enjoy the newsletter when it arrives and look forward to the ride reports. I am not too concerned about the financial side of the Register. I am happy to pay $45 a year. The running of the club should be made a easy as possible for the executive and if that mean spending a bit more money, so be it. I've had to pick up and return the key for the club rooms at every monthly meeting. That was an hour just driving around. The Register only works with volunteers. As far as I can tell nobody is taking advantage of the system and is gaining any personal benefits. None of the people I know are short of riding buddies, that's why I am concerned that if people are too demanding at short notice it will put off any potential volunteers. Life is hard enough during the week without having to deal with conflict in my personal time.

    Post count: 400

    Hear, hear!!You do not cross a street before looking both ways. 😕This means you do not venture into something unknown - make sure you know what is going on and how things are working before accepting the challenge. 😎

    Post count: 487

    Hear, hear!!You do not cross a street before looking both ways. 😕

    I don't get it

    Post count: 2134

    My feeling is the Area reps should be brought togeather twice a year with the executive to discuss regional & national events as well  funding for some events. The reps can then report back to there local members.

    Post count: 400

    A group photo of the AGM. 😕 😕 😀

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