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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Who has all the photos. Please post them

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours Dean 😀

    Post count: 487

    Will somebody just show us something ❓ Starting to think the AGM didn’t actually happen 😯

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    This was the view from our unit when we woke up on Saturday morning. Now are you happy 😀

    Post count: 487

    Gorgeous. You must have got up early.

    So you were there...anything exciting happen ❓

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Hmmmm….. no.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I’ve got one just like it Malcolm. Unfortunate the serenity of the picture was no reflection of the AGM. One or two people in there were on a mission.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    If they were it escaped me Alex. There were some points to be made and I think they were well made. There were a number of issues that could have been made that were left alone. As meetings go it was tame by comparison with some I’ve been to. In an organisation such as ours we depend on the few that are prepared to front up with the hard questions and while one might not agree with them they have a place and should be encouraged.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I think the organisation depends more on the few who are willing to do some work. We have a newsletter and a website. Surely there are plenty of opportunities available for prior discussion. The last few AGMs I have attended were nothing like it.

    I think these people had an agenda prior to the AGM and could have easily asked questions in advance and would have been able to receive better researched answers. I know that Dick had mentioned the fee increase in advance. Surely these people can understand that the club is much easier to run with a healthy balance. You just never know what comes up. The money should and will be used to subsidise club events such as the AGM and others. People who attend benefit fron this, the others won't.

    As for the online payment system it is obvious that we are having problems. However, it is important that we take a longer term approach. The reason for having it was to streamline accounting processes, this has backfired in the short term and will need to be addressed.

    However, compared to the newsletter our web effort is dirt cheap. The website pays for itself and the online transaction cost is minimal. Had we know that people had concerns like that it would have been possible to show the actual costing of these things.

    I know that a lot of people have had past positions in the club and some are still backseat drivers. They have got to realize that being active doesn;t mean to create a storm in a tea cup at the AGM for a few minutes.

    As stated in the beginning, there is more than one forum available as well as the phone numbers and email addresses of the executive.

    I couldn;t help but notice how quiet it got when Dick called for candiates. I am sure that quite a number of people thought that they could do without the hassle we got. Past glory is fine, but what counts is today and tomorrow, the rest is history.


    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    I find the “reds under beds” mentality quite humourous. Of course there are folk who have held positions in the club before and they along with many others have been instrumental in guiding the club to it’s present situation. They have a long lasting and keen interest in the club and want to see it prosper and grow. Do you seriously think they should sit quietly by when they disagree with an issue – come on Alex. Sorry to repeat myself but the AGM is the very forum where these issues should be raised in order for issues to be crystal clear and be recorded for all to see in the minutes.

    Sorry Alex, we see this quite differently so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 🙄

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Well Garry you got more than you bargained for eh? 😈

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    Malcolm_G wrote:
    I find the “reds under beds” mentality quite humourous. Of course there are folk who have held positions in the club before and they along with many others have been instrumental in guiding the club to it’s present situation. They have a long lasting and keen interest in the club and want to see it prosper and grow. Do you seriously think they should sit quietly by when they disagree with an issue – come on Alex. Sorry to repeat myself but the AGM is the very forum where these issues should be raised in order for issues to be crystal clear and be recorded for all to see in the minutes.

    Sorry Alex, we see this quite differently so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 🙄

    It's got nothing to do with the reds under the beds mentality. People have every right to speak their mind. What annoys me is that there was that people do not take the opportunity to discuss these things during the year.

    I am no longer part of the executive, but I felt sorry for Dick having to put up with this. It is not easy to react when you are standing up the front and get bomarded with people who demand instant answers on issues that you didn't even know were going to be an issue. How this helps to make things crystal clear I cannot see. I know I am not the only one who thought that it was a bit rough.

    Dick, like myself is relatively new member. I certainly appreciated the guidance I got when I was secretary. However, I felt the tone of some members was hostile, more in line with your reds under the beds analogy.

    What did they think the executive was trying to achieve with the fee increase? Go on a holiday to Fiji? The executive has been working very hard and have been giving up a lot of their own time. I feel that they deserve a less intense atmosphere. All people have to do is to stay informed during the year and voice their concerns as they arise. Then they can be disussed at the AGM in a civil manner.

    It is hard to be prepared and provide satisfactory answers to people's concerns when you don't see these things coming. Expecting new members to step up and take on office is one thing, but then you've got to accept that they may do things differently to the folks who have been instrumental in guiding the club and have a lasting interest.

    New members haven't got the luxury of having twenty mates sitting in the background supporting them.

    I will think twice about putting my name forward in the future and I am sure that I am not the only one.

    Again, it is not the fact that people speak their mind that annoys my, it is how they do it. I understand that you have to be reasonably thick skinned to take on a position in a club and I also believe that Dick handled the meeting very well. As I am no longer on the executive it doesn't really concern me, but I felt that the tone of the AGM was inappropriate and so I am writing this for all to read.

    Anyway, this is my opinion and these are my feelings on this topic and although they won't be shared by everybody I felt the need to mention it.

    Post count: 487
    Malcolm_G wrote:
    Well Garry you got more than you bargained for eh? 😈

    I had a feeling it was going to be interesting. Sorry I couldn't be there this year.
    Post count: 151

    I finally posted some photos of the AGM.  🙂I had to redo the layout several times as the system doesn't allow me to preview and it was hard to make it work on Internet Explorer while it was no problem with FireFox...  🙁Anyway, I have posted them as a news item.Open the BMWOR home page (not this forum, https://www.bmwmc.nz) and select "Photos of AGM 2006" in the right hand links.Those people who use Opera, Safari or other minor browsers, if the page doesn't work, sorry.  😛

    Post count: 2134

    Malcolm_G wrote:
    Well Garry you got more than you bargained for eh? 😈

    I had a feeling it was going to be interesting. Sorry I couldn't be there this year.I agree with Alex. I know one thing Barb and I will not be at another BMWOR AGM. I felt so sorry for Dick, and Malcolm I'm lost for words. :?. Now I know why no other members offered to take on elected officers duties in the club.

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