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  • peter.trub
    Post count: 267

    Went for a ride on the weekend with my Adventure buddy from Auckland. We ended up in Wanganui overnight and got to thinking, is there a place in this forum (or elsewhere) that people can leave Accomodation recomendations, comments etc. Thought it would be quite handy when planning a trip to have a dog and lemon guide  😀 How say the people?  :mrgreen:

    John Jensen
    Post count: 15

    Good idea. Have one for coffee shops too.

    Post count: 267

    good thought Colin – how was the ride on the weekend – did you do the Whangaehu and Turakina Valleys? Any pics of your escapades?  😎

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I could set up a forum section for it. I'll look into it tomorrow. We'll see how it goes, it can always be removed if it's not being used.Alex

    Post count: 267

    Did both the Valleys Stephen  😀 Whangehu was by far the better. Sadly the brother in laws wife had taken the memory card out of his camera and forgotten to put it back, I only had my shoe phone and that would not have done justice to the views.A lot of Autumn colours starting  😀 . Some silly buggers are sealing the roads slowly but surely so do it while we still can

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Any ideas how I should set it up? I could do a sticky, or make a new forum. What sort of rules should apply? Just limit it to entries, but not have discussions? Bad ratings could be unfair, should at least 2-3 people agree? Just thinking out loud. I'd appreciate your thoughts.Alex

    Post count: 267

    Areas with comments on where we (thats all of us) have stayed plus comments on those? I think short feedback needs to be included as one mans castle is another mans hovel.I dont think it needs to be anything to technical just price, quality and location.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I've added to  sub forums to General Discussion. Accommodation and Good Food. Let's see if this works out. Alex

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    I've added to  sub forums to General Discussion. Accommodation and Good Food. Let's see if this works out. Alex

    can u break down into districts preese

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Considering that there are no entries yet I won't worry about it just yet. I can move posts around if it becomes an issue. On a side note, I've made it member only. Guests won't be able to see it, I think.

    Post count: 305

    OK I've put one in.  Is there a facility on this board to have an item be ranked?  It would be helpful for each accommodation or dining entry to have a “star rating” tickbox or similar.  Maybe similar to a poll?  DunnoDave

    Post count: 267

    You stayed in TeKuiti  😮 What was first prize  😀There is a new motel on the by pass, other wise I would stay at the caves in Waitomo

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    OK I've put one in.  Is there a facility on this board to have an item be ranked?  It would be helpful for each accommodation or dining entry to have a "star rating" tickbox or similar.  Maybe similar to a poll?  DunnoDave

    I couldn't find an option to set this up. I suppose you could use smiley faces or sad faces instead.

    Post count: 82

    Agree with this suggestion and will use it.  Not sure of the value of ratings as members are unlikely to list something if their experience is less than satisfactory.  🙂

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Looks like the new forum is popular. I will certainly consult it before I head off in the future. Thanks for an exclelent idea, micawberism.

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