Home Forums General Discussion Acc levies what can u do

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  • Mark
    Post count: 103

    go onto this site and email your submissions to the people listed its easy and may help us allpass this site onto others u know http://www.bikersagainstacc.org.nz http://www.bikersagainstacc.org.nz/whatcan.html

    Post count: 280

    A rally today (Saturday, 31 Oct) at Parliment drew about 800 (hight estimate) riders. No bikes allowed in grounds. The lawn area was filled with bikers. Very few signs and banners. Crowd behave extremley well. Short speeches by Ulises (sp!) President and Annette King (wearing rider gear) and a girl who I think was from Woman's Riders group. One or two BMWOR members there. Some non-member BMW owners too.This pano photo is only one area where bikes gathered to park.

    Post count: 232

    As a non accountant, I have been doing some maths. If the ACC Levy is $745.77 a year and you only ride say 2,000 KM a year, the cost per km is $00.372885 per km. If however you ride say 10,000 KM per year the cost per km drops to $00.074577 per km. As you can see the more you ride the cheaper it gets, but the chances are it will cost the ACC more, since the more KMs you ride, the greater the chance you will need to call on their services. So get out there and ride as much as you can, that way you get much better value for money. 🙄 😎 Regards Phil (PS I also posted this on the Ulysses site)

    Post count: 2134

    Annette King in riders gear I would have to see this she is one of the the biggest nutter in Parliament. Labour coursed the problem with ACC with all the add on's they did over the last 3 years.

    Post count: 280

    Annette King in riders gear I would have to see ….”There ya go....

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