Home Forums Rides Calendar 42nd Traverse, interested? (Oct.4 & 5)

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 286

    So you're joining the group after the 42nd.When and where are you planning to meet up?Thanks.

    Post count: 267

    Sounds like this could be a lot of fun Alex. After looking at the vids I might wait until I have a few more off road Ks under my belt before I have a bash at it. Still thinking of the TTTTT. depends on this weekend. Off to the Warriors (Seats in the Grandstand yeehaa). So may have to do penance next weekend.I can think of 13 tunnels (If you start at Waikawau). I have been told there is 26!!! If I dont make it can you keep a count for us Aslan and let us know  😀

    Post count: 267

    So you're joining the group after the 42nd.When and where are you planning to meet up?Thanks.

    Hi Des - assume this Q is directed at me - I'm planning on travelling up from Wellington of Friday and somehow linking with the others at the Awakino accommodation - which sounds pretty full or staying the Friday night in Taumarunui and leaving early Sat am for a meet up that young1 had suggested at Ohura Sat AM.cheers S

    Post count: 267

    Sounds like this could be a lot of fun Alex. After looking at the vids I might wait until I have a few more off road Ks under my belt before I have a bash at it. Still thinking of the TTTTT. depends on this weekend. Off to the Warriors (Seats in the Grandstand yeehaa). So may have to do penance next weekend.I can think of 13 tunnels (If you start at Waikawau). I have been told there is 26!!! If I dont make it can you keep a count for us Aslan and let us know  😀

    Hi Colin - enjoy your seat in the Grandstand at the Warriors. Hope you are able to make it to the TTTT - would be good to link up again - cheers SAplogies to Alex if this (talking about the TTTT) is hijacking his thread.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Aslan, that's not a problem. I'd go on that one as well if I'd the time. If the weather is unsettled we might follow in your tracks the following weekend. I haven't been on Kiwi road yet. I might just go and buy a detailed map of the area and get people in the know to point out the tracks. All of these rides will still be available for some time yet, I hope.

    Post count: 286

    So you're joining the group after the 42nd.When and where are you planning to meet up?Thanks.

    Hi Des - assume this Q is directed at me - I'm planning on travelling up from Wellington of Friday and somehow linking with the others at the Awakino accommodation - which sounds pretty full or staying the Friday night in Taumarunui and leaving early Sat am for a meet up that young1 had suggested at Ohura Sat AM.cheers S

    Yes, the question was directed to you, thanks. I don't want to fish through the TTTT threads again. I guess I should have made notes on the important facts. So can you tell me what time would you all be meeting at Ohura? Or what time will you be leaving the Big T. I'm happy to consider leaving the 42nd out and riding that separately later with Alex and co. So I would look to make Taumarunui on Friday as well and wander down to Ohura with you.I'll endeavour to fish through those threads again. Cheers - Des.

    Post count: 286

    Okay I got it figured. They moved the start from taupo to Awakino. They dropped the 42nd ride at the beginning of the trip. So joining up with them is 10.15am not later in the day like I originally imagined.I'm mostly sure I'll stay with Plan A for the 27th and 28th which is a long ride up North around the coasts and between. I made a little list of everything I'd need to make it to the TTTTT by the 27th and decided I'd need to lose a couple of work days to get there. While I try to not let work interfere with the riding there is a limit. I've been out two half days this week and probably expect a half day next week but two days....  even I can't justify that. Clearly I need professional help to cure my desire to be at work.So I'm still on for the 42nd with Alex and whoever is around on the 3/4 of October. Alex I have a map book of the area and can see where the TTTTT is largely riding. With an update from Aslan we could probably head in there. (and still do the 42nd)I expect to be doing more off road rides. What I need is to get better at riding off road. Can anyone recommend any good books or my preferred option, a good DVD/video. I was never much of a reader. (and a picture tells a thousand words).

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Looks like we've got 1 more rider to join us. Is anyone else keen?

    Post count: 286

    Alex, I have the map, A3 black and white. Would you like a copy. Should we catch up over a coffee early next week and sort out when and where for departure and return.Cheers - Des

    Mohammed Mahdi Essop
    Post count: 21

    Hi KokopelliI cant get that Friday off but if you happen to change it to the 4/5th them I am in. Alternatively, if you are only going to do the main track on Saturday then perhaps I could leave Friday 3.30 and meet you guys there.I am new to the country so I am not sure of the distances and if I could make the overnight by leaving at 3.30?

    Post count: 286

    It's just down the road a little from Auckland.And on a more realistic note go to http://www.wises.co.nz you can load in your leaving point and click on the directions link and then put in your destination and it will give you km's and drive time.If it takes you through a route you don't want to use then you just need to do the route in pieces.Hope this helps.Cheers P.S. Don't we have a BMW Auckland ride on Sunday.

    Post count: 286

    It's Total distance: 297 kmsApproximate driving time: 3 hrs 24 minsfrom my place in Epsom to Owhango.andTotal distance: 276 kmsApproximate driving time: 3 hrs 9 minsfrom my place in Epsom to Taumarunui.I have no idea where we are staying at present. So Alex is the plan just turn up and find somewhere?

    Mohammed Mahdi Essop
    Post count: 21

    Hi DesamoThanks for the infoIs there a BMW ride on sunday?If there is then perhaps we can discuss this further.If not are you going to do the 42nd ride on friday or are you just going to cruise down and do it on saturday?297kms is not too far for a friday ride after 3.30 (so long as its not raining) So perhaps I could catch up with you guys on friday night

    Post count: 286

    I was thinking we were going down the 3rd and riding that day (Friday) then riding Saturday and coming home Sunday am or Saturday late.Alex originally posted a 4/5 ride and 3/4 worked better for me. I went to the Orua Bird cafe a few weeks back and did the peninsula so I can happily skip that and go somewhere else. I did plan to be back in Auckland by lunch on Sunday.It might be time for Alex to pop back in because I don't know what he had planned for the evening. And of course I think it would be useful to hear back from Aslan next week after he does the TTTTT. We're in the neighbourhood and this may be an interesting place to day trip into and out of.Alex also mentioned another rider has put up their hand so that's now 3-4 of us. Donald, what will you be riding down on?

    Mohammed Mahdi Essop
    Post count: 21

    Hi DesamoI'm on a 650 Dakar

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