Home Forums Rides Calendar 42nd Traverse & Fisher’s Track – Saturday 29/11 – Sun 30/11

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  • aegis4805
    Post count: 267

    Hi – I plan on doing these tracks and gravel road in the Central Plateau over this weekend – other hardy souls welcome at own risk – knobbly tyres strongly recommended. I plan on using my DR650 for the Traverse and Fisher's. Ride intentions also posted over on Kiwi Biker here http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=84924Cheers Aslan

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Congratulations to the DR650. That will making riding any distance more comfortable. I guess you'll still find it pretty light compared to the 1150. I won't be able to join you due to work commitments. I hope the weather will hold up for you and the creek levels will be favourable. Maybe you'll even get a view:-)The Owhango Pub is a good place to stay. Very cheap basic accommodation and good food. If you get there early enough you might be able to go both ways. Though traveling there and doing in twice in one day may be a bit much.I think Des has expressed an interest on going there again. Who knows, a couple of others might also be keen.Cheers,Alex

    Post count: 267

    thanks Alex – yes the Owhango Pub is one of the options I'm looking at using – just have to remember not to leave my wet boots in front of the fire eh? cheers S

    Post count: 286

    Oh, you can leave your wet boots by the fire you just have to wait for the publican to return before you can leave.I'll check the dates and post back but if they're good I'll be in. I also want to pick up a Suzuki DRZ 400E or Kawasaki KLX400R before returning.I also need to start planning my rides. Especially the adventure ones. I'm seriously thinking about making the Waiouru Army site one since it's a one in 4 year thing. I'm going to struggle to consider that this week.Cheers - DesI also wanted to explore some of the other tracks off the 42nd but it seems you could easily spend the day in there.

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Hello Steve, I could be a starter I will keep an eye on this thread and kiwi biker. Will see how the trip down to the South Island Rag Rally goes mid November. Its about time the Ruffy had another good outing. How is the 650 going?Regards boGSer

    Post count: 267

    Hi desamo and boGSer – thanks for your interest.Des good luck with getting the 400 - they're very capable bikes. Before the 650 I had a DR350 which I found a great little bike on single tracks. I just wanted the slightly larger phyisical size of the 650 for trips like this - the ability to carry some gear. I never found I did not have sufficient power on the DR350 when off road but the 650 certainly feels like it does things a lot more easily - very tractable.Gerard would be great if you were able to come. Perhaps I should have gone to the South Island RAG - can't do everything though. Is IanS (aka Postie of the 100GS PD going to do you know?)Off topic - I know this is heresy on this site but I'm sorely tempted to attempt the Dusty Butt in the top of the South which unfortunately coincides with the BMWOR Rally 🙁 - cheers S

    Steve Applegath
    Post count: 22

    gentlemen … off to the bay this weekend …600k on saturday .. :-o…. not sure how much is gravel ..demanding day … we will see…(what maniac wrote that script???)…. might  be up for the 42 later in the month … knobbies required really , so dependent on workload and a few minor considerations like surviving the meltdown.. i will be there!!! .ps… it would be grt to have gerard along (proven skills in the  tough stuff dept) and to catch up with you steven… later ….. neil

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Hello Neil this ride sounds like a good time to catch up. Hope you have a good ride this weekend ride safe. Until 29/30 Novregards boGSer

    Post count: 267

    folks we're finalising numbers for this event – for details follow this thread on KiwiBiker. http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=84924&page=4Calendar will be updated once we have final numbers and accommodation confirmed. http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=2008-11-29&c=0There are several GSers either confirmed or expressing an interest in doing this ride. Dual sport tyres - eg Tourances are unlikely to be suitable for this event. TKC80's are likely to be far more help. - cheers Aslan

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Aslan & all, I doubt I can stay away over that Saturday night but I've had great fun on my GS1200A on the last few BMWOR rides.  I don't really know my way around NZ countryside yet [only got here in August], but I am fascinated by where you will be going on this trip.  Have you got a map, google earth route link or something?  I did quite a lot of off-roading in my teens and 20s and I am very keen to get back into it.Peter Harraghy

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Steve added name on kiwi rider will change wheels this weekend to the new rubber and am looking forward to the ride. Had a great trip down to the RAG rally at Collingwood great weather good gravel ride great bunch of people. Regards boGSer

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Aslan & all, I found Google worm showing route.  Looks great.  I can't be sure of getting away that weekend so I'll have to mark it as a ride to join in the future.  Think I need a bit more practice off-road on the GS anyway.  Have fun. Peter

    Post count: 267

    hi Peter aka Haggis – thanks for your interest – sorry you won't be joining us this time – hope to see you at a future event Kiwi Biker or BMWOR in future cheers Stephen O aka Aslan

    Post count: 267

    Steve added name on kiwi rider will change wheels this weekend to the new rubber and am looking forward to the ride. Had a great trip down to the RAG rally at Collingwood great weather good gravel ride great bunch of people. Regards boGSer

    thanks boGSer - glad to hear you're confirmed and that the SI Rag was good fun and nice folks. I'm planning on doing the Dusty Butt 1000 at the top of the South in January - hope to see you on Friday - cheers S

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Good luck with your ride Steve. I hope the weather will be fine and you'll get through all the sections. Be sure to take lots of pictures, especially from the Fisher track.

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