Home Forums Ride Reports 2nd Traditional Okoroire Run

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Just a few traditionalists today.  I took them through some (to me, as well as them) new roads today, hit all my corners I needed to identify and got my navigation spot on, then relaxed when I got back into familiar territory, and promptly missed the last corner towards Okoroire.Dick-of-the-day Award for Bwucie (again!)Here's a couple of scaled down photos: I took the big DSLR today, instead of the little pointy-snappy camera.  I think I will have to run the originals onto a stick and pass it around the others to download, or they would comprise several real big emails.

    DannyB pretty in blue.DannyB.jpgMr and Mrs Red Baron on "Enzo".TheRedBarons.jpgIpodman, aka RichardK, impersonating Daft Vader.ipodman.jpg

    Post count: 151

    Impressive photos, Bwucie  🙂I am sure that you guys are enjoying the ride today (may be eating lunch right now).I am hunting for a C-spanner today.No luck at Motomail and I'm going to Cycletread now.

    Paul Greaves
    Post count: 13

    Impressive Photo's and an Impressive ride to, thanks to the few for the good company and a great twisty ride to boot, …………..well at least on the way thereNot sure about the "Pretty in Blue" comment though 😉

    Post count: 2134

    Not sure about the “pretty in blue” comment, but keen enough to change your avatar.Alex has the photos on an SD card, if the Mac can read one of them we'll get it to you, or if a plain vanilla usb stick is simpler, I can give you the photos loaded onto one of they.

    Paul Greaves
    Post count: 13

    I guess Pretty in Blue is preferable to “Pretty in Pink ” I was more than happy to change the avatar from the previous alien look,  I am looking forward to the high res pics

    Post count: 128

    Always great to ride new roads thanks Bwucie and what a fabulous pub at Okoroire. Great tucker and company too. Also, big thanks for the SD card. Yeee haaa check out my flash new avatar. I'll bring your SD with me on Sunday but if you need it before then just call me and I'll get it to you earlier.

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