Home Forums General Discussion 2007 BMW Safari in NZ

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Mate, I am not sure what planet you live on - there were plenty of disatified bikers at the 2007 safari, including some very experienced riders on VStroms, KTMs and the like.  One such rider, who also happens to be an ex NZ enduro champ, expressed his disappointment at some of the sections particularly with regard big bikes.  I can count at least 15 bikes, many 650s, who pulled out of the ride earlier on. The bottom line is that the advertising for the ride was aimed at the wrong end of the market and  was misleading and for that they could at least have responded to our comments during the event and after.  One of the Suzuki sponsors even went as far as saying he couldn't care less if no BMWs turned up at the next event as it was for Suzukis. And thats no bullshit. Heard it with my own ears.I certainly don't have 30grand to throw away on a yearly basis.  And why shouldn't I want to share the back country with my wife. I am not an  inexperienced rider either however don't see the point in stoking my ego on a ride like that especially when it was NOT advertised as such.Having said that the organisation of the event was very well done, the catering was excellent.  The attitude sucks though !

    It was a Yamaha sponsored event not Suzuki. It was a fantastic event. I must have been with the positive BMW owners. I hope its the same next year, but different area.You can buy an HP2 with rear pegs for two up riding as one couple did and totally enjoyed the trip.

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    Bike and stock can go together.DSC01592.jpgDSC01587.jpg

    hery Dean. thanks for that "I may even be able to pass on some of my knowledge of riding big bikes" but this is not the knowledge most of us are looking for :mrgreen:

    Post count: 43

    Mate, I am not sure what planet you live on - there were plenty of disatified bikers at the 2007 safari, including some very experienced riders on VStroms, KTMs and the like.  One such rider, who also happens to be an ex NZ enduro champ, expressed his disappointment at some of the sections particularly with regard big bikes.  I can count at least 15 bikes, many 650s, who pulled out of the ride earlier on. The bottom line is that the advertising for the ride was aimed at the wrong end of the market and  was misleading and for that they could at least have responded to our comments during the event and after.  One of the Suzuki sponsors even went as far as saying he couldn't care less if no BMWs turned up at the next event as it was for Suzukis. And thats no bullshit. Heard it with my own ears.I certainly don't have 30grand to throw away on a yearly basis.  And why shouldn't I want to share the back country with my wife. I am not an  inexperienced rider either however don't see the point in stoking my ego on a ride like that especially when it was NOT advertised as such.Having said that the organisation of the event was very well done, the catering was excellent.  The attitude sucks though !

    It was a Yamaha sponsored event not Suzuki. It was a fantastic event. I must have been with the positive BMW owners. I hope its the same next year, but different area.You can buy an HP2 with rear pegs for two up riding as one couple did and totally enjoyed the trip.

    I also rode the Yamaha South Island Safari and throughly enjoyed it, I rode With a 2 up couple on an HP2 and a couple on an old R100 GS we had a blast, sure some bits were tiring sometimes the bits between the realy good bits are a bit boring or tough but there is always plenty of help on hand.some of the older newer riders may have been a bit out of their depth, and after a difficult or long section the body and concentration suffers. If the event is to much easier next year I would consider not going as I expect an adventure not a road ride and Piss up. Perhaps shorter distances would help.[img]http://[img][img][/img] 

    Post count: 2134

    Bike and stock can go together.DSC01592.jpgDSC01587.jpg

    hery Dean. thanks for that "I may even be able to pass on some of my knowledge of riding big bikes" but this is not the knowledge most of us are looking for :mrgreen:

    Whats wrong with my parking. It was an instruction on how to pick the bike up.The cows were the only interest party. Mind you I had no complaints 😉

    Brian TANNER
    Post count: 22

    Typo error – meant Yamaha !    😀 And I used to ride a Yamaha.  🙁Unfortunately you probably won't see me forking out cash for a Yamaha sponsored ride in this country again.

    Post count: 2134

    Typo error - meant Yamaha !    😀 And I used to ride a Yamaha.  🙁Unfortunately you probably won't see me forking out cash for a Yamaha sponsored ride in this country again.

    Enjoy them in another country then.  🙄

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