Home Forums General Discussion 2 auf Weltreise

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    These two world travellers will be arrivng in Auckland next week.



    They'll ride with us to the Annual Rally, if it goes according to plan.

    Maybe we can squezze in a couple of rides before then.


    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Tommy and Rosa got their bike past MAF today and thanks to Martyn they were allowed to assemble them on site.

    They then had some new tyres fitted to their bikes. I've never seen a front tyre that had worn like theirs. TKC knobs alternate between a single and a twin knob. Interestlingly enough the twin knobs were almost conletely gone, while the single knob in middle still had a decent height. Cycletreads came through with a good price.

    They've got an amazing amount of gear with them. I am sure there is a kitchen sink in there somewhere.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    We are doing Arne’s last ride of the year tomorrow, (Saturday) possibly to Waihi, and if it’s like last weeks ride it will be great.
    Leaving BP Papakura at 9.30am hope to see you there.


    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Hi Jim,
    this would have been a good ride to go on, but it's too short notice. We'll go for a shortish ride tomorrow, followed by longer one on Sunday, maybe the Wellsford loop. They will then ride down to Flock Hill and have a llok around the South Island after that. Tommy and Rosa will be staying here for about 3 month. Hopefully they'll be able to join a few Cool rides during that time.


    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    We’ve just dropped Tommy and Rosa off at the airport. They’re on their way to Fiji until their bikes arrive in LA.


    Oh, you may have missed this one if you weren't at Experience last Saturday.

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