Home › Forums › Rides Calendar › 15th September – NEW Adventure Ride – Turangi Based
Inactive30/07/2012 at 7:04 amPost count: 3NEW Adventure Ride that is suitable for our bigger bikes – This ride is Turangi based and will take in pumice based tracks and trails (offering excellent grip both wet and dry) along with forestry and gravel based roads. We will take you to visit a home-made Bush Camp set high up into the Bush along with a climb out to view stunning Snow-Clad mountains. Fabulous. Several smallish stream crossings and a variety of terrain to ride over also.This ride opens up new ride territory now for our adventure bikes. Visiting new lands and territory and very welcoming to have a new Adventure Playground that is centrally based.
Jim crossing one of our stream crossings on his way back down from Bush Camp
Pumice trails leading up to one of our lookout points
WEll worth the climb to take in the stunning views of the snow on the mountain tops
Pumice tracks and trails make for excellent grip for our bigger bikes
Time for a hard earned break. All of this mapping out can do that for you!!! lolSome bedtime reading on how this ride came aboutTurangi Based and looking great, whilst Out And About On My Small XT one weekend at Turangi, I happened to find myself riding a little further into the bush than I thought I actually was and happened upon Petera and KingPin. Yikes, thoughts of being imminantly told off for maybe riding on private land?? (could not see a sign post anywhere) but all turned out to be okay, and I have now been invited to ride and to explore brand new Tribal Lands based at Turangi. The look of sheer delight on my face when told I had FREE reign of the immediate ride area, I could not help myself. The young lad I met on his horse gave me persmission to explore his fathers' lands, but knowing it is always good to ask DAD first, I just explored the outskirts of. The private road I was travelling on leads into Private Maori Owned lands and it is back to basics here. Living off the land and hunting and fishing are the kai on the menu plates. The day I happened here, I did take a peek at one of the gated areas and through I went on my small XT. Hardly able to contain myself at finding these magnificent pumice based roads to explore. These roads lead out onto gravel forestry roads and a variety of terrain. The weather has not been kind to anyone just recently, so some of the wee puddles that may once have been wee puddles, now a little larger than I remember from my last visit! I did pride myself on skirting around the puddles, aka becoming small streams but I had a great time. The time went so fast and I still had so very much to explore, and this just on one allocated area. Oh, how to??? Time now reaching 3pm and I made my way back to the Village and met up and had a korero with dad who happens to be the prominent Maori land owner in this area. Together we have many ideas that we will focus on over the next coming year, this is going to be very exciting, for those who have a love of exploring and riding gravel and forestry based roads. WE are also especially pleased that these New Rides that Jim and I are discovering are very much suited to our big adventure bikes. PERFECT - An Adventure Bike Paradise here, and with views worth a mint also!!We now arranged a follow-up meet date and we trailered down several of our adventure bikes and son Tim happened to be home also, so once again he was able to assist us in spending another full day exploring these lands. I could not be included in this second visit, as DAD had just had a wee accident with his 4 x 4 and had written it completely off. Skidding into a pot hole with his big vehicle and damaging the engine quite badly. That has now been sold and put towards some other form of transport. So loaning my small XT to my Maori elder, the smile on his face PRICELESS from ear to ear he was absolutely beaming with pride. He just loved the small bike. Many stories have surfaced on the boys' ride over the day, the fun they had and the sore backside from my XT rider, very funny at the end of the day. The stunning and magnificent views that this ride will lead out to absolutely fantastic. Panoramic views of the whole area and surrounds. This now opens up a massive amount of new ride territory. A win win for all of us and my new whanau will now have employment. I am organising the family of daughters to make and prepare our lunches which will be taken up high into the big hills and we will meet the crew at a special BUSH CAMP that is situated here. This is so very special and makes me remember the Bush Camp I used to have when I was small. It was quite normal for me to go missing as a child - I used to pack my mum's suitcase and along with her pots and pans from the kitchen cupboards I used to steal them away to a bushcamp of my own that I had made. This was about the age of 11??? hmmmm Memories quite vivid here. Home away from HOME.From Bush Camp the ride goes to very high points and the terrain is made to be suitable for our big bikes. Pumice terrain is excellent for grip, both wet and dry. Tim also pillioned a young lad who is adopted but we did not want to see him miss out on the days events, so Tim doubled him over the full day here on his F800GS anniversary bike. The smile on Zodiac's face and the wonderment at the big BMW amazing to see. Tim had a blitz of a time on those pumice trails with his F800GS. He just loves the bike and it really does go anywhere this bike, and also normally always has Jess, and now Zodiac on the back of also. The young lads in attendance marvelled at the way Tim had the big bike blazing through the pumice trails. The laughter echoed through. I heard some of it on the video clip they made.Some of the comments from after the boys's Big Day Out (who needs to go to an Epsom showground stall???) it was all here, on tap and adrenalin fuelled. Give the boys a handful of toys, and they are all set. The lads stated that DAD could be the NEW Ride Leader for our Gravel Explore Team, as top speed reached 40kms, so all good I guess, I am now redundant, and DAD has taken my new possie lol I love it.Interested in attending our new ride, complete our Contact Form on our page for your registration form:http://www.northerngraveladventureridersnz.com/sept-15thnew-taupo-tribal-lands-adventure.htmlS Q
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