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As we finished doing a sweep of the Lodge this morning Jean found a Polar Fleece Jacket and a single polypropolene glove. Same brand and both in good condition so as we were about the last to leave we uplifted them and passed them on to Noel (el Pres). If you can lay claim to either or both give him a call and he'll let you have them back.A really good turnout this year and the weather was spectacular. The ride home with Noel
today being a stunner as we tiki toured through the King Country on our leisurely ride north. Noel went ahead and scattered the gravel
while we did the tourist thingy.
Signs of mis spent youth I wonder?
and the biggest group of bikes yet seen by us at Taylor's Lodge.
Hope all arrived home safely feeling as good as we do. Thanks once again to the organisers and of course Clifford for cooking, Greg for being 2 ic, and all those who helped prepare those yummy vegetables. A few missing faces - the "mane" man didn't make it - hope you're feeling better Aslan?, Jimmy where were you? Pam is feeling better now that she has her man back we hope. 😉Thanks all for your companyMalcolm and Jean
Thanks for the photos Malcolm. We had an excellent time. The weather was fantastic. Gerda and I found a bit of gravel between Taumarunui and Ongarue. I had a head on with a bee, got stung in the temple. The bee looked pretty crook after the event, don't think it will pull through. The wasp that got me the day before was more potent, must have been a German Wasp 😀Tomorrow I should be able to post some photos as well. Clifford did an excellent job with the catering, as usual, and Greg helped to organize the kitchen. I am looking forward to the next one. Alex
A few missing faces - the "mane" man didn't make it - hope you're feeling better Aslan?, Jimmy where were you? Pam is feeling better now that she has her man back we hope. 😉Thanks all for your companyMalcolm and Jean
Nice report and pics Malcolm - glad you guys had great weather and a great time - sorry to have missed thee RAG - next time?Believe my pal KSlider aka Pete would have made it on his Dakar.Alex - I can relate to your experience with the bee - nasty - i was stung by a wasp within 10 km of entering the Rainbow Station this year on the way South to the National Rally.Cheers guys - Stephen O aka AslanPS Alex - off topic - hows the new Shoei hat? See you and Gerda for the CCA along with Gerard & Cathy?
Here some of my photos , no captions though.
PS Alex - off topic - hows the new Shoei hat? See you and Gerda for the CCA along with Gerard & Cathy?
Hi Stephen,I am very happy with the Shoei, it is comfortable, light and the ventilation works very well.Unfortunately Gerda has changed her mind about coming, as she wouldn't be able to do the event anyway. This give me the opportunity to leave Auckland on Thursday and tiki tour down gravel roads, possibly meeting up with some people in Ohakune on Friday for the final leg down to Wellywood. Cheers,Alex
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