Home Forums Ride Reports Great dirt roads

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 7

    Where can I get info on great dirt roads in NZ to ride. Not really knarly stuff but gravel dirt where a short arse can get a gs 1200 thru.

    Post count: 289

    I find map books work well. Keep heading away from the highways and you're bound to find some gravel roads.If you're in Auckland, you could look at the ... argh, long name... here's the website: http://www.northerngraveladventureridersnz.com/It all really depends on your level of skill (read stupidity) for how far you want to go. Be aware that riding gravel roads will only get you addicted to more knarly stuff.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Use Google maps and then zoom in, in the satellite view. But don't go looking in the middle of Auckland.  ;D

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    It's getting a bit outdated, but Peter Mitchell's “New Zealand Motorcycle Atlas”, published by Hema Maps, has a number of good suggestions. Although the book is good, I find that Kiwimaps publishes much better maps than Hema does. I took a copy of Kiwimaps “North Island Complete Drivers Atlas” apart, laminated the sheets, and carry the ones I need in the tankbag. It's a good source for finding gravel roads.

    Post count: 2134

    You can also download maps from the LINZ site: http://www.linz.govt.nz/topography/topo-maps/map-chooserYou need to be a bit careful with these, as they are not road maps. Some of the "roads" they show are paper only jobbies, and although they are sometimes legal roads, sometimes they ain't, and the cocky whose paddock you're traversing may be a bit antsy. They do give you a great preview of the area they cover though.(And before anybody rushes to shove my own words down my throat, I know you can't light a fire with a tiff file, or wipe your nose [or other anatomical features] with them either, but they are still a thing of beauty to behold, if you like maps.)

    Post count: 7

    Thanks guys, I just got a garmin 660 gps. So ill try to add some routes from your suggestions and see if I don't loose it and start swearing at the fark in thing.im useless at technology but its a challenge ill take on.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Which part of NZ are you in?

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    You could always try this site all South Islandhttp://www.adventureguide.co.nz/index.phpor if you are on face book Eddie has this site goinghttps://www.facebook.com/AdventureRidingNZboGSer

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