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    Post count: 2134

    Kokopelli said,

    Quiet, please. You guys are putting me off riding motorcycles. This is Al's introduction thread, only happy thoughts, please.

    And he was quite right,so I have pasted the conversation to that point below, and removed the posts from Al's thread: a major liberty, I agree, but I hope it keeps all parties happy.Bwucie[hr]post by Rincewind on November 11, 2012, 10:25:58 am:

    G,day Al,welcome to the forum,you will find a good friendly bunch of guys here who ride a wide range of beemers and other marques, and you will not have any problem at all finding a group to ride with On any Sunday whether it be the serious off road stuff or just plain old social ride to lunch fun.Give us a shout when you arrive,I am on North Shore, have a good trip. Unfortunately my ride is in the shop at the moment having it's make up done, and both rider and bike will not be in a full state of repair for a few weeks yet after a Group of NZ roadworkers set me an inpromptu test on the laws of friction and gravity without first notifying me,I failed the test miserably with a "F minus" and the punishment was a broken right ankle and four ribs. However I did get the idiot of the year award from medical staff for riding the remaining four hours from the National Park with my injuries to get my bike back to the shore,not something I would recommend by the way unless your a stubborn pig headed nut case with a huge swear word vocabulary!

    post by Youngjim on November 11, 2012, 02:41:18 pm:

    Ya kept that one quiet Wizz ya bugger  I wondered where you were last weekend as I thought you would be showing off ya new broomstick, those extra 50cc bit you on the bum eh  Anyway you take care Dave and no doubt we will see ya soon.CheersJim

    post by Bwucie on November 11, 2012, 04:13:31 pm:

    I heard about your sad attack of gravity this avo, from one who will remain nameless but is called Red Baron. I was also instructed (!!!! by the same Forum user - just which of us is the Webmaster?) not to put anything on the Forum, lest we cause you unnecessary grief. As you have outed yourself, I figure I am now allowed to offer sympathy from both the Librarian and me: we both know ribs ain't a lot of fun. Every time I've been tagged on the pushbike it's involved ribs, either singly or in pairs, and the Librarian's last accident cost her eight breaks and a flail chest. We both know they are a strain on the sense of humour, so the rest of you lay off the jokes around Dave for the next three months, OK? So no Confucius or similar.On the other hand:Confusion says, "Remember, Grasshopper, falling down 1000 stairs only needs to start with falling over the first one."

    post by Rincewind on November 11, 2012, 07:32:26 pm:

    I heard about your sad attack of gravity this avo, from one who will remain nameless but is called Red Baron. I was also instructed (!!!! by the same Forum user - just which of us is the Webmaster?) not to put anything on the Forum, lest we cause you unnecessary grief. As you have outed yourself, I figure I am now allowed to offer sympathy from both the Librarian and me: we both know ribs ain't a lot of fun. Every time I've been tagged on the pushbike it's involved ribs, either singly or in pairs, and the Librarian's last accident cost her eight breaks and a flail chest. We both know they are a strain on the sense of humour, so the rest of you lay off the jokes around Dave for the next three months, OK? So no Confucius or similar.On the other hand:Confusion says, "Remember, Grasshopper, falling down 1000 stairs only needs to start with falling over the first one."I bow my head in shame master at your superior injuries...I myself am embarrassed by the fact that my injuries were not the cause of some spectacular idiot third party colision, but merely a case of "the bike fell on me, yet again" the only idiot involved was the one who took the wrong escape route on the way down...me !Nurse Babzee is looking after me, and the pain meds make breathing reasonably less painfull than having an elephant sat on your chest! ah! the joys of motorcycling.

    And the next post was Kokopelli's comment that's at the top. He made his point, but I KNOW it would take way more than that to put him off riding!

    Post count: 182

    Hi there I thought I should share my experience of pain management in order to maybe prevent someone else going through the agony I went through two evenings ago. Here’s the story.Just over a couple of weeks ago you may be aware I had the misfortune to suffer a minor "off" which resulted in some majorly disproportionate injuries, namely 4 broken ribs and a broken right ankle.When discharged from my overnight stay in the repair shop I was given a script for the cocktail of drugs that the head mechanic in the body department had decided I would need to manage my pain for the next six days.Well I have never been a fan of taking pills of any shape or colour that contain names of man-made chemicals that sound like a made up language designed with the sole purpose of preventing the ants of the universe from finding out that they are really industrial cleaning products in dry tablet form.So it was with great reluctance, and the memory of the pain I was in before the nice nurse put the morphine drip in my hand and made the pain hide behind a fence in my brain somewhere, that I decided to do as I was instructed on the bottle 3 or four times daily.On the third day of taking the drug Tramadol I decided that my head should not have the volumetric feel of a helium balloon and that there should be more to my recovery than staring into space for hours on end during the  actual time that I was awake.So I made a conscious decision to drop that particular little white innocent looking sweetie out of my 6 hourly line up of drugs and see what happened.What happened was an obvious increase in pain but  I suddenly regained the ability to read more than one page of a book before having to go back to the start again and I could stay awake for more than twenty minutes at a time.This left me with the codeine, paracetamol  and the voltairin gang.Now one of these drugs, (popular consensus says its codeine) makes you constipated, something I have never before experienced and I hope to God never experience again.....So that’s it, I decided enough was enough, and decided it was time ditch the gang completely and see if Mr pain had got fed up of hiding behind the fence and decided to go home.What followed over the next 24 Hrs., was what I can only think that drug addicts all over the world must go through when they make the decision to get clean....let me tell you I have no idea why it’s called cold turkey, but what I can tell you is that it is not a pleasant experience and involves lots of sleep deprivation and your internal thermostat malfunctions between fever and shivers with alarming frequency.Anyway I got over that and my bodily functions returned to normal, Mr Pain re-emerged but he was obviously subdued and tired, and needed to re-think his strategy so I had won a battle and felt that I was once again in control of my own body.YEA RIGHT!To celebrate this fact I decided to knock the top off a couple of Stella’s and go out for a curry, my whole alcohol content for the evening spread from 4-30 in the afternoon until I eventually retired at 10 pm, amounted to two bottles of Stella, one kingfisher strong and a bourbon and coke !I slept soundly until I woke with a start at 2.20 AM feeling like my rib cage had given up its fight to repair itself and had decided to re arrange itself into a shape more commensurate with the shape of a boat hull, the pain level on a scale of one to ten was a fifty at least, I could only take shallow breaths and my mouth was drier than a witches tit.I had no idea what the hell was going on, at first I thought it was because I had overdone things, I had, had a busy day, I was in the hospital all morning getting poked and prodded, and having my internal organs photographed yet again, plus they sent me to the body shop to have some glass fibre repair work done on the leg, and all this time I was hobbling around on crutches wincing with every 300mm step. However my body was speaking up and was shouting…DRINK WATER YOU BLOODY FOOL…..so that’s what I did for the next two hours, I swear the clock slowed down for that period of time, my breathing was shallow, my heart rate sounded like a morris minor petrol pump and my skin was leaking like a sieve.I have since learned that there is a heightened importance to staying away from alcohol and spicy food when you’re recovering from injury because dehydration will amplify your pain , no one tells you this, what they do tell you is not to drink alchol  while you are on pain meds, and as I had come off the pain meds thought I could resume normal service.Now all you medical buffs out there can fill in the gaps and tell us the technical reason why this phenomenon occurs, and as for the rest of you, who have no issue with putting chemicals with names like hydrcholidepastapheonodyclphinidesodiumgrumpysuphilthate into your body, keep taking the tablets!

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I've been through the pain thing. First morphine and then codeine and what have you. The morphine was the best, no pain, sweet crazy dreams, definitely worth every cent.  The codeine was only good for a couple of hours. They told me I could only take one every three hours. So I slept for two and waited in agony for another hour. After a week of this, it got better and after two, I stopped using the codeine. 3 month later I had my first attempt of trying to ride the bike. Couldn't get the side stand up. So back into the garage it went. A couple of weeks later I was good to go, fold up canes are great on a bike. I could ride, but not walk properly :-).Anyway, all the best with your recovery. Gives you plenty of time to think things through, I found.

    Post count: 37

    For future reference, hopefully not needed, this site will supply the good oil on all NZ prescription pills and potions.http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/

    Post count: 6

    Missed you on the Coromandel Ride in the weekend.Best wishes for you and the bikes recovery. Trust the nurse isn't sick of that role yet 😉

    Post count: 182

    Missed you on the Coromandel Ride in the weekend.Best wishes for you and the bikes recovery. Trust the nurse isn't sick of that role yet 😉

    Cheers Olin,can't complain,nurse Babzee is putting up with me well.I am getting stronger by the day,toay was a particularly good day,hopefully tomorrow will stay on track, hope to be back on the bike for the Christmas holiday if the ankle is strong enough afer the cast comes off.RegardsRincewind

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I am not sure if this will cheer you up, but it's always fun to post DSC00673-1.jpg

    Post count: 72

    Are those BMW OEM parts from your toolbox?My medically-minded other half has commented something along the lines of "Oohoowouchnice".

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Are those BMW OEM parts from your toolbox?My medically-minded other half has commented something along the lines of "Oohoowouchnice".

    Not from BMW, but they've assured me it's titanium. Had they fixed a broomstick this way, I would have been worried.  The repair has been good for 8 years now, so it can't be too bad. The fibula was cracked further up as well. I'll try not to do a repeat performance.

    Post count: 9

    Sorry guys I missed your welcome post……..I arrive March 13th, in time for my grand-daughters birthday on the 15th, and assuming my son in law hasn't trashed my GS I expect to be in the twisties (also known as any-road-in-NZ) right away. My only real plans are theWorld Speedway event at Western Springs on the 23rd and a one week tour around the Nth Island. Other than that beers and camaraderie are on the agenda.Sadly I leave to return to the frozen north on April 7th.......Gonna be hectic but thats what holidays are for, are they not?Dont forget if anyone needs any parts I can ship then Im happy to help.My family lives in Botany Downs....Al Gill

    Post count: 182

    I am not sure if this will cheer you up, but it's always fun to post DSC00673-1.jpg

    WOW.....Pretty spectacular,we are a fragile lot aren't we,I'ts a good job there are people out there who know how to put us back togeather.

    Post count: 182

    http://www.webbikeworld.com/BMW-motorcycles/r-1200-gs-hand-guard-problem/The above link was how I discovered the mechanics behind why I binned my bike,whilst I am grateful at being able to fill in all the blanc spaces,I am never the less angry with both BMW and myself.Myself for ignoring a little light on the dashboard and electing to continue on with my journey, and also for buying into technology that i have managed to live perfectly well without for 50 Years.BMW for it's total failure in not notifying the original purchaser of the machine or it's subsequent 2nd purchaser, of the potentialy life threatening fault on this year/R1200GSA and others of the same ilk.It's hard to think how my relationship with this bike is going to be reconciled once it is repaired and returned to me with it's shiny new modified two piece hand guards,should i trust it,after all, it has caused me a lot of pain and inconveinience.Or should I forgive it,for on the other hand, it was not the bikes fault,ultimatley it was it's creator who gave it a dodgy part,and me who ignored it when it was trying to tell me it was sick.One thing is for sure, if i decide to keep it,you can bet your last dollar that I will never ignore another warning light !RegardsRincewind......

    Post count: 289

    From my own experience you'll definitely be wary in the beginning and probably tentative. It will likely take some time to get comfortable, but I believe it's fully worth it.Think of it as a relationship. You have ups and downs, but it's still worth it in the long run, and I reckon the GS Adventures are awesome bikes  8)

    Post count: 2134

    ............................................................One thing is for sure, if i decide to keep it,you can bet your last dollar that I will never ignore another warning light !RegardsRincewind......

    Old K100LT trick, for when the ABS goes offline, Rincewind. Black sticky tape from oot the glovebox makes the blinky red lights much easier to ignore. At least with the later models the thing will reprogram itself if you kill the motor and restart: If Bluebridge haven't adjusted your handguards, that is.

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