A good crowd of approximately 50 members gathered at Experience BMW last night to mix and mingle and drool over the machinery on display. Henry and Daniel welcomed us and kindly put on pizza and coffee etc and John Glasswell BMW motorcycle manager spoke briefly about the new models that we can look forward to in the near future. He also thanked Paul Edlington for his stirling effort with the recent Classic Show, telling us he was getting thanked for putting it on 🙂Henry asked Noel to do the honours in pulling the winning ticket for all who had been in for a service last month, the lucky winner will take home an I-pad :). In Terry's absence Rob spoke briefly to update members on what is happening in the branch over the coming weeks then it was down to the serious business of relaxing in good company and talking bikes, tours, where have you ridden recently etc etc etc. All in all a very pleasant couple of hours meeting old and new members with at least three things in common, BMWOR, bikes and having fun. Good to see you all there.Don't forget to book your test ride with Henry for the 15th September.