Home Forums Ride Reports South Head ride Sunday 19-08-12

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 182

    It was great to see such a cross section of machines on Sunday gathered outside Starbucks in Westgate,also it was also a bit weird to see so many faces I have never seen before ( where have you all been hiding)Barbara and I have been club members for two years now and have been on some increadible rides, but with mostly the same people for most of the time...however I did recognise Young Jim,Tony O,Malcom and Jean,Paul,Olin and Jude,Campbell,Henry(who could miss him on his GS Adventure) as for the rest of you, I look forward to getting to know you all a little better in the future if I ever see you agin of course.All in all another great day out, Shelly Beach cafe did a great fision chips and I didn't hear too many complaints about the service either.I was sorry to hear that Campbell slid off on some gravel on his way up to South head on his lovely new Honda crossrunner, but evidently both rider and machine suffered only minor damage and Campbell elected to turn round and head home without stopping for lunch,a couple of the group did try to coax him to at least drop by the Shelly Beach cafe for a cuppa, but having suffered that indignity my self I can't blame him for not wanting to become the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons. I have ridden with Campbell on a few occassions and all I can say is he is a very cautios rider and it just goes to show that the loose stuff can catch even the best of us out.If your reading this Campbell I hope your ride home was less eventfull.One day I wll actually sit down with someone and work out how to get pictures from my iphone or laptop onto the forum...evidently its real easy ...Yea right !!!

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Yes Dave good to catch up.  My camera/phone is not well but I did score a couple of pics off Terry (see other post).  And if you look at the time these posts were written you will understand why there are two.  8)  As for posting your pics take a look at the explanation written by Alex in the Help Files and you will find it easy I promise.M.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    So sorry to hear about Campbell and as you say Dave he is a very careful rider who I have ridden with in some atrocious conditions with never a problem so its good to hear that all is basically well.I really enjoyed the ride yesterday after having only been out on the bike for an hour or so in the past few weeks in between the pissistant rain. 

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