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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 88

    Greetings all,Mr Muesli and I have finally got ourselves organised for our Americas pootle. Our bikes arrived in Vancouver on Sunday and we fly out on Saturday. The rough plan is to ride from Vancouver north to the top of Alaska (Pruhoe Bay) and then turn around and come south to the bottom of Argentina (Ushuaia.) I'm telling the kids that we should be home for Xmas. If you're interested I am in the process of setting up a blog here:  http://ebonyandken.blogspot.co.nz/Any comments, advice, slander or (im)polite insults are very welcome.Cheers,Ken

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Best wishes for a great trip Ken, will follow with interest and envy  😛

    Post count: 289

    Allow me to be the first then… you bastard. You complete and utter bastard.Take pics, etc... I'll be reading that blog very carefully to gain some knowledge and insight. I've told some mates, long term plan in a couple or three years is to ride to Prudhoe Bay, come south, then north again to Inuvik, doing the top of Alaska and Canada...Are you doing Hyder and the Glacier Highway? Anchor Point, the eastern most point available to public roads? Any off road stuff like the wabdr or utbdr?edit: fine, bloody Malcolm beat me, but at least I had the deceny to insult you!

    Post count: 88

    Thanks Malcolm and GremlinI am a bit worried though about Dick's ability to finish the ride considering that he is riding a yellow bike. Tell me Gremlin - if I took a spray can and resprayed his bike in black, would it still be a yellow bike and therefore inherently suspect?Cheers,Ken

    Post count: 289

    Well, you'd have to pull it apart and get all the pieces to be black… then it wouldn't be yellow would it?Can't let that evil yellow out!  ;D

    Post count: 88

    Well I'm back now. Apart from the fact that I still have to go back to Buenos Aires to prise my bike away from Argentine Customs its pretty much a done dinner.And now for some trip statistics:Basic route: Vancouver (Canada) – Prudhoe Bay (Northernmost Alaska) – Ushuaia (Southernmost Argentina) – Buenos Aires (Argentina.)Distance travelled:                   41,486 kmsTime:                                   160 daysFuel consumption:                   2,032.8 litresBike Servicing:                           3 times – Auckland, Calgary, Los AngelesBike problems:                           0 (BMW R1200GS - Triple Black)Tyres:                                   Three sets (2 x TKC80/Anakee, 1 x Heidenau)Punctures:                           1 (rear tyre)Times I fell off:                           5 (two sets of broken ribs)Border crossings:                   21Times stopped for speeding:   1 (Peru)Times stood over for bribes:   2 (Honduras, Peru) Both unsuccessful Laughter count:                   Immeasurable Blog:    ebonyandken.blogspot.co.nz Your turn now Gremlin

    Post count: 289

    Sooo jealous…Glad the bike had no problems, definitely ouch to hear you didn't like your ribs TWICEso uh... who was unsuccessful in being stood over for a bribe?  😮

    Post count: 88

    They were.Big bully men with sub-machine guns don't frighten me. Well, not very much anyway. Besides, I was wearing my brown underpants.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Sorry, somehow I completely missed this. I am thinking to myself, bastard, even the broken ribs would have been well worth it. Well done and no problems with the bike, how good is that. I am going to work my way through this, at least I won't have to wait for any new instalments.

    Post count: 88

    Well done and no problems with the bike, how good is that.

    The bikes performed really well - took all the crap that we threw at them. Not just the gravel and mud but also the 1800kms in three consecutive days on freeways through Chile. No problems at all with the Tripleblack. Mr Muesli's GSA developed a slight oil leak at the sight glass. Ideal bikes for this pootle.

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