Home Forums General Discussion Unexpected thermal event near Wellington

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 88

    My apologies to any of you who may have been adversely affected by the sudden and unexpected thermal event near Wellington this afternoon. It was the result of me being told by Touratech Australia that the parts I have been waiting for over the last two weeks have been inadvertently shipped to “a gentleman” in Canada.As my bike ships on Tuesday (to Canada!!!) it is fair to say that I was unimpressed. In time, I will see the funny side but right now........ >:( >:( >:(Kennif

    Post count: 289

    Meet the parts there?Just ordered (another) parcel from Germany... the worst part is, I logged in just to formalise the wishlist... then wondered about the shipping cost... then found myself reaching for the credit card. Then stared at the screen blankly realising I'd just bought... damn they make it easy!

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