Home Forums General Discussion BMWOR Executive being paid

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  • Mark
    Post count: 103

    What do u think about the BMWOR executive wanting to be paid 20 cents per KM I think this is stupid of them to ask for this and I think it might be a good idea to vote in a complete new team as there looking to run the Register on their own .

    Post count: 2134

    I agree, it is stupid of them – anybody else would want much more!Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha ;D

    Post count: 103

    like our govement with redgo sucking us in

    Post count: 88

    For what it's worth, the Ulysses Club National Committee members are paid 50c per kilometre for travel regardless of whether it is by car or bike.  Seems pretty reasonable to me.Kennif

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I think that's fair enough to help out the Executive on register business. Some time ago I suggested that ride leaders get a little bit of support for leading rides. I do think that this is more important than paying the Executive for attending the AGM. Paying for the ferry for South Island reps is probably also appropriate.  On the other hand, where do you stop?

    Post count: 72

    Being paid is based on either laziness or ability, hence we have jobs. So, I for one, are to lazy to ride to meetings for others needs and if I got there would I effectively be arguing your case? S**t that leaves me out best I “user pay”.

    Post count: 35

    Dont know what the “average” BMW rider owns …..but i bet its worth heaps, and the request for a small amount to offset stuff done on other members behalf , (who mostly can only comment by electronic media,) doesnt seem unreasonable to me. A bit like these blokes who buy 4 wheelers for the kids and dont register or warrant them , but thats another story.

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