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    Putting ones hand up for a Men classic cycling event might lead to get it chopped of. This was mine.Wednesday 25th, hit the road at 4:30 in slightly chilly air, to stress free make Turangi , via western access, by 8ish. Fill the K and then me at the wayside 24hour truck stop. Young Jim beacon & eggs mmm. Next stop The Wood's at Arapuni Palmy, were I meet David Thompson and Greg Buck. Robin was smart to make me along black. Great.We then trundled of to Massey to take part in the time trial of the cycle event ( stage one ), meeting Peter Tibbs, Steve Perry, Neville , Bill & Ken. Stage two 9:00 breifing the next day with Police, Race Co-ordinator and camera men. We left at 10:00 DOT and this is when things got interesting with vehicles becoming part of the race. Some of the Police were caught by suprise, and they had radios. From now I am not going to describe what when on ( this could spoil the fun for a future volunteer ) but I will say those who did  will have 1st call in the up coming event. The Womens Event. Yes we did wait on corners but dispite their 45kmh average pace they were not a bunch of "girls" so they were on to us pretty quick. In saying that the womens event is reputed to be more challenging as their jockeying is more unpredictable. This stage went from the Square to Feilding on to Kimbolton and Apiti and back through the Pohangina Valley finnishing on the Napier Road 143km. Stage two was the reverse , but doglegging it through Ashhurst. We had to up the anti if we were to keep the traffic away from the cyclist and in particular the pelliton. but at the same time protect the leaders and breakaways. All this was started in the wind and rain. But you seem to put that behind you while paying attention to your job. 156 km for that course which I struggled with a hydraulic problem with my clutch. Trying to rebleed without undoing anything was achieved by leaning the K as far as I dare to the right and quick sucession of pumps with pauses seemed to displell most of the air. Hay I still thought it was fun. especially fudging its operation moments before the pelitton was on me and expiditeing a departure. Great fun great people excellent barbarque and drinks. Home on Friday night and no clutch operation from Palmy on 3  ;D 8)many thanks to our Lady host Joy who answered all our requests Either ends of the days.

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