Home Forums Ride Reports Rob’s Recycled Dambusters Run

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    I'm not going to play with photos tonight, past bedtime already (and the number of cameras in evidence today others probably have better shots: all of mine seem very ordinary today).What I do want to do before I dive into the sack is say that it was just a top day out. Rob put together a really, really good run, and all sixteen of us faithful followers had a ball: Well done that man, even his weather forecast was on the money today.

    Post count: 15

    Thanks Rob.Great day, great ride, great people.I'll sleep soundly tonight, that's for certain. 🙂

    Post count: 151

    Yap! Thank you very much, Rob for the effort.You can be a Japanese tour guide as you were so prises for time and location  😉

    Post count: 60

    I'd like to thank all those who came along today, I think it was 17 bikes, 18 people (although Uncamoose seemed to have a little trouble with his counting)  Actually my counting wasn't too hot either. I said at the beginning that there would be 7 dams but then Bruce pointed out part was through the day that there were 8, and we crossed one dam twice just to be sure. Campbell said he could only find 6 on the map, but at one stage he had counted 10 that we had visited. Anyway I'm confident we found them all.So thanks everyone for joining the ride and making it such a good day. Top marks to James who must have done close to 800 kms today including his travel to and from home. Bruce has trained everyone so well that it's quite an easy job to lead a ride. People even marked corners when I didn't signal, and everyone rides safely and responsibly. Well done all 🙂One thing you really appreciate after traveling through a large part of NZ on such a lovely day, is just how beautiful NZ is. Today we passed by lakes, rivers, pasture, forest, hills and mountains, all looking stunning. I'm looking forward to see some pictures.My ride today ended on the back of a tow truck when I found I had (yet another) flat tyre on the approach to the harbour bridge. I felt a little rear-end wiggle as I passed the road works by Victoria Park, but with the new areas of seal and altered road markings I assumed that my wheels were tracking on the uneven surface, but when it continued to wiggle as I rode through St Marys Bay I realised something was wrong. I managed to get the bike around behind the concrete barrier where the Curran St on-ramp joins, and waited for a tow truck. I've got to say that I've needed the help of an AA contracted tow truck twice in the last year, and both times I've been very impressed by the standard of service they provided.

    Post count: 72

    Thanks Rob and all those partisipants, twas a great day indeed cause AGD got to ride too. But Rob I'm impressed with the dams' history lessons. Legend! As for counting, well after setting my Ks valve clearences bang on and no bucket purchase sticks and stones ;D Mate

    Post count: 2134

    I've got to say that I've needed the help of an AA contracted tow truck twice in the last year, and both times I've been very impressed by the standard of service they provided.

    Couldn't agree more, Rob. And AA Plus is a very cheap cost against the benefit and convenience when you need the service. I thought it was just eleven hundy esses with drivetrain problems that needed it, but now we add R1200C's to the list. (Any progress on your eleven hundy?)

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Pleased to hear you had a good crowd along and a great ride guys.  Sorry I wasn't able to be there but as things turned out I would have been a write off anyway as my son and I finished off the last half of a bottle of Speyside single malt after his celebration dinner late on Saturday night.

    Post count: 2134
    Brother Love's Travelling Salvation ShowRob does the pre-start briefing and karakia, everbody else adopts a prayerful posture.Neko looks especially devout.(Photo by Kerry Red Baron)DSC00968.jpgBwucie and the Sex Toy - also by Kerry, the rest of the pix are Bwucie'sDSC00993.jpgPotty stop, Te KowhaiIMG_0436.jpgSmoko at Bryces at Wharepapa South.IMG_0443.jpgIMG_0441.jpgMaraetaiIMG_0444.jpgIMG_0448.jpgCast of thousands err, about a dozenIMG_0452.jpgRichard Gard'ner and his new scoot at OhakuriIMG_0463.jpgAnd there are many more, we just need others to post them!
    Post count: 128

    Brilliant ride thanks Rob – definitely looking forward to your next run. Cheers,Herr and Frau Baron

    Post count: 3

    Great ride – thoroughly enjoyed it especially visiting all 8 dams – Im sure that MAraetai only counts as one!  Thought you might enjoy this photo of the leader. Richard


    Post count: 60

    Rob does the pre-start briefing and karakia, everbody else adopts a prayerful posture.Neko looks especially devout.

    Actually I think the truth is that everyone was starting to fall off to sleep, and Neko was asleep. That may be during the part when I was explaining the detailed dam construction specifications.I'm not sure if this will work but the following link might (or might not) take you to a map of the route we took, well pretty close to the route.

    Post count: 128

    I'm not sure if this will work but the following link might (or might not) take you to a map of the route we took, well pretty close to the route.

    Oh darn, didn't work for me Rob  :(. Herr and Frau Baron would be keen to see where you took us - pleeeease.

    Post count: 60
    Post count: 128

    Try this link Alexhttp://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=1350151&code=4f5aeacb485c5370fc37289e87c12cde

    Brilliant, thanks Rob - flash site too.  8)Cheers,The Barons

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