Home Forums General Discussion Situation Vacant: Admin backup wanted for Website and Forum.

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    Post count: 2134
    Situation Vacant                                                Situation Vacant

    At Neko's request I have just removed her from the Administrators Group of this Forum: she has been my backup for the period of my tenure, despite the fact she is now a Ducati pilot. While I am very grateful for the sense of security Neko provided, I suddenly, now, feel very lonely. If I take a decent spill off my scooter or get run over at work, the website goes on automatic (with my record, of course, it could run longer!)If you are interested in getting "under the bonnet", it is all pretty basic. Everything runs through a graphic interface, so you don't need to be a terminal/command line wizard to do the basic day-to-day maintenance. The most regular task is checking membership applications, and as of last Saturday the security aspects of that are pretty much automated: it just needs a human eyeball to take a last look at the survivors of the spam detection process before pushing the button to approve them.If you know a little bit about html and css that would be a bonus: if you know a bit about php and mysql then we'd better swap jobs, 'cos I just bluff that part. If you know diddly about the whole shooting box, but want to tutu with something different it won't be hard to pick up, especially if you have time to hang on to the handlebars (oops) keyboard while I walk you through it.Anybody interested, give us a shout.

    Post count: 289

    I know all too well what it's like to have the only source of knowledge, and that thought of “What if something happened to me”.I'm in IT (company provides contract network management services) so deal with all manner of desktops, servers, printers, routing, etc.Happy to help out if no-one else steps forward. Oh, but I don't own any dirty macs, and only touch them when a client insists I have to  ;DAh, I forgot the important bits. Can read HTML, used CSS a while ago, but we usually outsource the website developments as it's not a core thing. Haven't done any php, but script a little on servers (vbscript for simplicity) and did ASP, java and .Net stuff probably half a decade ago, so could probably pick up if required. mysql, only a bit on the back end to enable web developers to get their stuff done. Bit of a jack of all trades, which is typical in smaller companies.

    Post count: 2134

    Dude, you are beyond overqualified compared to me! My only experience with mysql was/is shifting the database for this forum from one server to another when we changed providers – way more terrifying than incoming RPG7's, that was! .NET(?) Sounds like Windows, too scary for this Linux user.For all you "ordinary" people, rest assured Gremlin and I are not a different species, we are just a different branch of ordinary - I would no longer think about maintaining my own vehicles, but many of you do. I find that different. It's horses for courses.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Lost for words !!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over my head  ???

    Post count: 289

    Lost for words !!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over my head  ???

    Just make up some words and nod wisely  ;D

    Post count: 63

    Like Youngjim said waaaaaaaaaaaay over my head. More like huh???

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Dude, you are beyond overqualified compared to me!

    Maybe he is, but can he speak English  ;D?

    Post count: 267

    Mantlepiece and wheelbarrow, now thems a couple of big words. ooooh yeah  8)Hope I spelled them good  :-[

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615


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