Home Forums General Discussion Unregistered,unwarranted ATV,s and Motorcycles

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 35

    Over the weekend was at Riversdale Beach (Wairarapa coast)and saw the result of a motorcycle accident. The bloke (40 yo male) had no helmet , the machine was not legal(no wof or rego), he sustained a broken shoulder and burns when he canned of on the beach, and was airlifted to hospital by Westpac helicopter, which came from Wellington .A policeman attended the accident and me being of an inquisitive nature(nosy)asked what category the accident would be included in for statistics purposes. Gendarme informed me that all accidents involving ATV or MC are lumped into one category.When i said that i had a motorbike , registered and warranted and wore a helmet and appropriate safety gear and that i thought it unfair that this accident could mean that i would pay more for ACC levy , the cop wasnt that concerned.The cost to run that helicopter is approx $3000 per hour.Over the long weekend i tallied approx 60 unreg/no wof ATVs and MC on the beach and surrounding roads at Riversdale .Most of the ATVs are carrying up to 3 passengers , no safety gear at all.Probably no licences either.Dont know where this problem  is leading me , but i am getting a bit annoyed with the law enforcement or lack of it.In fairness to the cop i spoke to , he did hand out warnings to other illegal riders over the weekend, but surely tickets are in order for those without licences at the least.

    Post count: 182

    It's an interesting discussion topic given the hike in ACC levies and the reasons given for it. I certainly would vote for a change in the system of catagorising accidents that happen with unregistered vehicles on private roads, it would be an interesting statistic to see however I doubt it would change the overall assesment when the powers that be sit round the table to set the levies.I have always thought that a far more fair way of puting coffers into the ACC would be a levvy on fuel, the more you buy the more you pay, lower the rego to just cover admin costs so that we keep the database.At least that way all these citizens who avaoid and get away with out paying rego currently would be forced to contribute !!Also us boys with more than one toy would not have to make decisions on which one to sell when the outgoing costs start to challenge the incomming revenue !!Thats my thruppence worth....

    Post count: 2134

    It's an interesting discussion topic given the hike in ACC levies and the reasons given for it. I certainly would vote for a change in the system of catagorising accidents that happen with unregistered vehicles on private roads, it would be an interesting statistic to see however I doubt it would change the overall assesment when the powers that be sit round the table to set the levies.I have always thought that a far more fair way of puting coffers into the ACC would be a levvy on fuel, the more you buy the more you pay, lower the rego to just cover admin costs so that we keep the database.At least that way all these citizens who avaoid and get away with out paying rego currently would be forced to contribute !!Also us boys with more than one toy would not have to make decisions on which one to sell when the outgoing costs start to challenge the incomming revenue !!Thats my thruppence worth....

    Completely agree, Rincewind, and every year I put my fingers on the keyboard and express myself to the members of Her Majesty's Government responsible for the portfolios affected.Old Goat's Mr Plod appeared to be unaware that they do now try to split out the plonkers that aren't registered, licensed, helmeted, whatever.  Land Transport's stats are far more accurate then ACC's on the topic, but if a patient needs long term rehab ACC tends to learn the true circumstances of the accident (because the patients tend to be blabbermouths) and shift the cost to the appropriate pool.BUT: these beaches are a major grey area, because they are mostly classed as roads. Makes sense, no centreline, no median barrier, poor, unsealed surface - sound like a New Zealand rural road to you?

    Post count: 66

    ACC is a no fault system. Yeh right! So how do non petrol burners (cyclists/sports persons/office wollers) get levied, without prejudice? We are, high profile, emotive, sitting ducks, free for the plucking.I understand in car versus (motor)bike cases, full credit for both goes against the two wheels, irrespective. Can Mr Plod/ACC confirm this?Logic dictates to government know-it-alls, who we elect, that multiple toy/weapon owners do use them all at once, or lend them out smultaneously to other high risk delinquents.Lies and statistics! GIGO! Who really gets to see the raw statistics and vet the liars? How do we get a fair hearing? Show me the truth and I'll roll over. Why did our significant ACC hike, to make good a shortfall, result in a healthy surplus (for long or short term? statistics!)? I give up before I get too started.

    Post count: 2134

    Actually the raw stats are increasingly made available by NZTA, and don't make good reading for motorcyclists (or us treadlers on our sit-down-walking machines).All of us that work get levied ($12.85/week on my modest earnings, or $668.20 per year), and that comprises the recreational/sporting/home stupidity etc levy. For reasons beyond my understanding, NZ firms tend not to show that on your payslip, but if you work for an enterprise hailing from the land of the big, red, spring-loaded rat like I do, it's in your face every painful payday.So I can afford a small medical cost each year for getting knocked off my pushbike (although I try to avoid cashing in my levy that way because I am allergic to pain - it hurts too much.) If I am hit by a car, and it's his fault, that cost rightfully comes outta the motor vehicle pool. If it's my fault, outta the Earners' Levy.Lucky workers, we get to pay twice for Hilton to fall off a ladder, for instance: once through our taxes, twice through our earners' levy.  And for all those who don't work we pay twice as well.  Get stoned on dole day, drive into a ditch, she's Jake, Hilton and I'll spring for your treatment.I believe this is why Capitalism is so much admired.  OOPS, SARCASM ALERT!!!

    Post count: 35

    I just missed a cove talking on National radio (7pm) about ACC and motorcycles(?), to be more accurate , caught the tail end of it……hope springs eternal!Watch this space.

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    oh gee and here i was thinking someone had  cheap 4 wheeler quad bike for sale that i could take to my beach place to ride down the beach when I saw the title of the thread, Rincey common sense doesnot prevail with certain government deparments. Why would ya put it on the price of petrol, that would mean user pays , that would be way to fair. Bloody hard to drive my 4 x 4 and motorbike at same time but I get to pay 2 regos.also get to pay 2 Lake taupo donations on my enviroment waikato rates for 2 properties. that really grates me.all our off road chook chasing mates when do they pay Acc levies.re stats when I worked on the Akl motorway if someone jumped off a bridge and hit road and died it was a sudden death (suicide). If said person jumped off a bridge and hit car and died it was a road death counted in road toll. I think they thought that there was a slim chance they may survive so the car hitting them killed them. Sounds like a Tui ad to me.

    Post count: 88

    So I guess this is a dumb question really … but … if Riversdale Beach is legally a road (which is my understanding), why isn't Mr or Mrs Plod dishing out tickets for no helmets. no rego, no wof, overloading, no braynes, etc …..?

    Post count: 2134

    So I guess this is a dumb question really ... but ... if Riversdale Beach is legally a road (which is my understanding), why isn't Mr or Mrs Plod dishing out tickets for no helmets. no rego, no wof, overloading, no braynes, etc .....?

    Cheaper to forgo the revenue than to replace the plodmobile that gets stuck in the sand and caught in the tide?

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    from http://legislation.co.nz/act/public/1998/0110/latest/DLM433619.html?search=ts_act_land+transport_resel&p=1#DLM433619Land transport Act 1998road includes—    (a) a street; and    (b) a motorway; and    (c) a beach; and    (d) a place to which the public have access, whether as of right or not; and    (e) all bridges, culverts, ferries, and fords forming part of a road or street or motorway, or a place referred to in paragraph (d); and    (f) all sites at which vehicles may be weighed for the purposes of this Act or any other enactmentkapeesh. why does Mr plod not enforce. Well its simple really. But many will disagree. "Common sense." Yes black is black and white is white and commonsense is grey. or said another way. "Not anally retentive"

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Yeh, helleva hard to catch a couple of dozen dirt bikes that scatter in every direction into the sand dunes like happens at Muriwai beach.  ::)

    Post count: 35

    Steve.B…you are not just a pretty face!There must be dozens of Riversdales in and around NZ,and many dollars to collect.In this case access is down an easily policed tarsealed road to the beach, all it takes is a hand in the air to stop any motor driven transport,the hand being attached to a person with a blue uniform on.But back to the bloke who broke his shoulder and got burnt.If he has no rego/wof  surely he doesnt get ACC ! In the case of him having personal insurance, i bet a dollar to pinch of proverbial ,his insurance company will wriggle out of any claim he makes because the bike was not certified legally roadworthy/registered.Even if a vehicle has a WOF an insurance assesor can recommend no claim if something like a bald tyre, or a modification has been made without notificationand subsequent certification.In my humble view old brokenshoulder should foot all the costs ,including the helicopter,none should be out of ACC coffers.

    Post count: 182

    Yeh, helleva hard to catch a couple of dozen dirt bikes that scatter in every direction into the sand dunes like happens at Muriwai beach.   ::)

    Be dead easy with a pump action shotgun, wonder what they would book the injury statistics to though,we can't win can we...... !!!

    Post count: 267

    In the interest of saving me money lets get the Police to stop and prevent all forms of fun in this fair country.  ::)

    Post count: 35

    Yep , one small step to anarchy.But why should "fun" be at others expense, especially if its unlawful "fun"

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