Home Forums Rides Calendar Almost Rincewind’s Birthday Ride.

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    Post count: 2134

    This will be the last chance for the Wizzard (yes, two zeds is correct spelling for graduates of the Unseen University of Ankh-Morpork), Rincewind, to throw a leg over the GS, Binky, as a youthful 56 year old.Ride will leave from the carpark of the Albany Pub (bottom of the hill, on the right, as you head north out of Albany Village) at 1000 hrs, 17 Jul.  Rincewind will lead us somewhere nice for lunch, I'm sure.

    Post count: 2134

    From the Wizzard hesself:"Hi Bruce Perhaps you would be kind enough to post this on the Calender or whatever else is availiable to your media powers so that those who do not like mystery tours can make up their minds as to wether or not they would like to join us for a pottery of tea with some freshly baked stones and a few glazed cherries. + plus any other potty puns you wish to include at the end of the clay.Afternoon tea will be served at U U for those wishing to stop off on their way back south of the Border. Hopefully you will have got your steed back by then, I'm still struggling with this wretched sore back at the moment so I don't foresee me riding Binky this weekend I'm afraid, but we may pull the dust cover off the MG and pull some gas through the injectors and do the TEC honours.Kind RegardsDave"For those of you still confuggled, he means: http://www.morrisandjames.co.nz/About-Us/Cosi-Restaurant. It's a while since the Register has been there (or me apart from the Register): if their carpark is still the same as it used to was, nobody is to spit the back wheel out from under them on the metal and lie down for a rest, please.  Like Rincewind, I have a glass back and I also have ruined knees hips and ankles - I am not really equipped for picking up dropped bikes.  Of course, if AGD is not busy keeping the skies safe for all of us, this is how she meets new blokes: dump Suzuki on its side, do the famous parachutist's roll, stand up and say, "Hi!  I'm Adrianne, would you help me pick my bike up please?"  UncaMoose is cool with that, 'cos he doesn't have to pick her bike up.  Of course, as official Mech-Husband he has to repair any damage, as well as all the routine maintenance.  

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Far be it from me to put a damper on the procedings, but the last couple of times I have been there the cafe has been crap and even her indoors who just loves the pottery doesnt want to eat there again which is great cos it saves me a lot of money  ;D and if my fading memory serves me right the last couple of register rides there were not too sucessful in the nosh department either.

    Post count: 4

    AGD will indeed be keeping the sky above us safe on this day.  At this stage I have a 1330hrs start time.  If the day is nice I might just ride to the start point to wish our Wizzard many  happies.  Then I can enjoy a ride back to the Airport and experience the journey from the north for a change. 

    Post count: 182

    in veiw of Young Jim's comments not wishing to pour water on the coals,( Re Morris and James) if someone would like to reccomend an alternative venue maybe a bit further North or south then I will quite happily go with it.I cant comment on the food other than the chocolate cheese cake and the coffee that the luggage and I partook of on Sunday, however the carpark looked more than capable of keeping even the most un- agile of us upright for the purposes of demounting and finding the machine where it was left.I personally wanted to go and watch the MG day out at Hampton Downs but that would be very selfish of me as I know a lot of you live just a stones throw from the track and it would hardly be worth firing up the engine.Mangawhi could be another possibility,has anyone any experience of the smashed pipi...The last thing I want on my concience is to reccomend a venue that does not come up to club expectations....and end up with another bloody award..(yes Mr Crowther I am looking in your direction)everywhere the luggage and I have been so far has been more than adequate.Answers on the forum please.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Dont let my comments stop you guys as it must be around 18 months or more since we were there and as you know things can change in that time, however it made such an impression on her indoors (who had been there many times) that she doesnt want to go back.I also doubt if I will be on the ride as the 3rd is her birthday and I am expected to ply her with expensive gifts etc etc  😛

    Post count: 2134

    Wot's the bet it'll be alright on the opening night?  I reckon YoungJim has spent so many years moaning about the state of the eggs in his all day breakfast he's become overly fine in the mouth.  He probably calls it "fastidious" (or is that too long a word to be in the Geordie lexicon?), we'ld call it fussy.I'm not gonna stick my neck out and punt for somewhere else just yet, 'cos RICRob has got a little and local brewing up, and I don't want to gazzump his venue.If we gave out boobie prizes for not too flash service or grub Malcolm would have got one for the Clydesdales, where, in all honesty, both were wanting somewhat.  Instead, because he gave us a great day out, good ride, good company, he got a choccie fish award.And don't let Jim confuggle you about the date, either: the Wizzard's ride is the 17th.

    Post count: 182

    As the Egon Ronay of the Big Breakfast I fully respect Young Jims opinion on basic foodstuffs, but I would think his better half  has a  more refined palate and her opinion should be taken on board.Yes I do agree Bwucie things could have changed in 18 Months...they could have gotten worse ahhhgggg.Oh well good to know that I wont get a booby prize if everyone gets potty feeva....I can only reiterate that what we saw on Sunday looked reasonably apertisin an the staff were very friendly, even after we told them we were going to bring a heap of geriatric grumpy abusive biker types ( I think I've covered everone)(if I've missed you out it was unintentional Alex)Oh well my rum n coke is getting warm so I'm off to rescue it before the ice melts.Tarra ! a bitRincewind

    Post count: 151
    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Now where did I get that date of the 3rd from ??????Only confirms my suspicions that she who must be obeyed is spiking my whisky again to confuse me  ???

    Post count: 128

    Hiya Rince, hope this reply finds you a little more comfortable – I did warn you not to get too adventurous and stick with missionary  ;D. Anyway, if you are looking for volunteers to stand guard over car parking duties at the Inn, the Baroness and I would be more than happy to oblige  ;).

    Post count: 182

    http://www.menumania.co.nz/restaurants/dragonfly-cafe ?

    Thanks for that Neko,if you read the reports you would have to wonder why people with food allergies and specific need would ever bother eating outside their home, they are obvoiuly nearly always going to be dissapointed.I think we are going to stick wih the pottery venue, one way or another it will be memorable....I'm sure.RegardsRincewind

    Post count: 182

    Hiya Rince, hope this reply finds you a little more comfortable - I did warn you not to get too adventurous and stick with missionary  ;D. Anyway, if you are looking for volunteers to stand guard over car parking duties at the Inn, the Baroness and I would be more than happy to oblige  ;).

    Hi Alex,you can never be too adventurous my friend and sometimes its even worth the pain !!!!!We would love to have you and your lovely parking attendant along for the ride,looks like Young Jim will give it a miss though, I've half a mind to put the camping stove in the top box and cook him up a propper northern England heart attack breakkie served on a bed of fried bread just to entice him........Regards            Rincewind

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Ya on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D and I only hope I have to eat my words  ::)

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