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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 88

    Hi everybodyNew to this site but not to motorcycling in general. Bought my R1200GS new in March last year and have just clocked up 41,000kms. A few problems along the way but a great bike - much under-rated as a tourer in my opinion. Have just completed the Rainbow Valley Road to Hanmer and back via the Molesworth Road. Hard work on the GS with a pillion and a weeks worth of luggage but a great trip.Regards to all.Ā  šŸ™‚

    Post count: 182

    Welcome Kennif,you have done more K's on the GS than I did as a tech rep in my car last year you lucky man.I like the picture,your obviously a man who likes an adventure and doesnt mind getting the bycycle scars to prove it....well done that man (and his luggage)

    Post count: 128

    Welcome Kennif, nice to “see” you. BTW, love your avatarĀ  8). When next in Auckland be sure to join one of Bwucie's legendary sunday runs. Great fun, great roads and excellent company – promiseĀ  ::).41,000 kms in a year - that's impressiveĀ  :o. Well done.Take care, see you on a run soon.Herr and Frau Baron

    Post count: 88

    Thanks all. The avatar comes from the Pentecost River at the beginning of the Gibb River Road In the Northern Territory. The photo was taken by a mate of mine called Dick Hubbard. Dick is an Aucklander – owns a porridge factory up there or some such.

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