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Club meeting at Petone Workingmen’s Club, Udy Street, Petone.   Meet downstairs for dinner at 6-00pm. then meeting upstairs in the Kensington Road from 7-00pm.


Guest Speaker – We have a speaker this month, BMWOR Secretary Dave Ross who in a previous role some years ago was a volunteer crew member on the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. Dave has agreed to share anecdotal experiences in this role. As motorcyclists, particularly those of us who seek the pleasure and adventure of riding the back roads of this country, unfortunately may find ourselves in a situation that requires a ride in the Westpac Rescue Helicopter as the first part of the recovery journey from an ‘off’. Having listened to Dave talk about some of his experiences getting to and from some of these incidents this talk will be a very interesting insight into an essential emergency service and is not to be missed. It will also be an opportunity for anyone who has had the misfortune to have been uplifted in the Rescue Helicopter to share their experience.


Contact Peter Nash    wellington@bmwor.org.nz

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