Home Forums Motorcycle Tech Talk 1985 R80

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 10

    Hi guys . 1st BMW just bought it y-day. 1st ride today for 13 months .Last ride ended when I t-boned some willy hunt who was doing a 3 point turn just over the brow of a hill .Any how , do these things have a cam chain  and could / should I be hearing that at 50,000 miles ( I have ordered a manual but it hasnt turned up yet ) and does anyone in NZ know of a wreaker  who does old beemer parts . I need an instrument cluster  and the only bmw wreaker  I could find  replied  advising me he didnt deal with air heads  , which I thought was a bit on the nose  as Ive never even met the guy, so bugger him

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    If it's your first airhead, chances are that what you are hearing is perfectly normal. They sound broken even if they are running well. Get someone who knows airheads to listen to it.  Oh, and welcome o the forum and congrats to the “new” bike.By the way, as you've found out, there are plenty of idiots out there. Yesterday a bus tried to push me into the next lane during busy traffic. He pulled up alongside me and started to move over. All this in well flowing traffic. The lane next to me was full, so I had to stay where I was. He got so close, I banged on his window with my fist. No reaction from the driver, he kept staring straight ahead and ignored me. Eventually he pulled in behind me.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Scary Alex, that is when a really loud horn is useful, at least you don't have to take you hand off the bar to bang the window. 

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    the man at the top has a few. Nickhttp://rter.co.nz/Airheads/airhead_parts.html

    Post count: 10

    Ah  so the airhead is the bike …. not me  🙄 I think most of the noise I can hear  while on the move  is the front tyre ( lazer ). Thanks for the parts link

    Post count: 10

    Yeah , It was the tyre ( 6 psi  😳 )

    Post count: 280

    Welcome Homer. I owned a 1985 R80 for 10 years. Served me very well. Are you a member of the BMWOR? You'll find other members who have the same sort of bike and bike-chit-chat is always high in points of discussion. I would encourage you to join if you are not.

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