Home Forums Rides Calendar Little/Local/New Members/ New Riders. Westgate 26 Sep 1030

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Oldies/Littlies/ New Members.  A little and local meander, leaving Starbucks, Westgate at 1030. (Yep, Red Baron et al, that's 1030, not 0930.)  A largely urban cruise – let's get some shark and tatie in, say, Victorian Devonport.  If we do that, we can take a decko at the Big Smoke from the best viewpoint in Awkerland: the top of Mount Vic.

    Post count: 41

    …just noticed a big sign on Lake Road that says: “champ wag and walk…26sep…expect delays…0800 to 1600”. not sure what that means but be aware if you good people intend to check out Devonport tomorrow.

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