Home Forums Rides Calendar Great Dessert Co Lunch, Westgate 1030, Sun 01 Aug

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    This month is all Rob W's fault: he seems to be strongly attracted to good tucker, so when he makes not one, but two recommendations, we go there!The Great Dessert Co is at 260 Mahurangi West Rd, which is fairly close, so we will leave Starbucks, Westgate at 1030, not the usual 0930.  Or you could cruise up by yourself and meet us there.I am looking forward to this one, believe me!

    Post count: 2134

    Weather forecast at this stage looks less than salubrious.A reminder here that I have never fined anybody for turning up at a likely sounding venue in a cage, in order to swap lies and enjoy the ambience of wet biker. 😛

    Post count: 151

    Thanks Rob for R.I.C.It was very interesting tiki tour.  😆The cafe, Great Dessert Co. was bikers friendly because one of them rides a Ducati and one of them rides a Yamaha.He is actually a contributor to Kiwirider magazine.(He might not be impressed with me that I didn't realise that he was a contributor to Kiwirider magazine...  😳But when you read the magazine, you don't pay much attention to the photo of contributors, do you?)I ordered a small club sandwich, as I wanted to try their dessert too.That sandwich was very nice although I can't call it "small" (but I finished it)Had two cups of nice "Italian" coffee (that what they said  :-D)They wondered what one Ducati was doing among a bunch of BMW riders.In case other people are wondering too, I am still a financial member of BMWOR, as I enjoy riding with you people.  🙂IMAG0104.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    It's been a while since I took part in a ride. Thanks for the good company. The rain didn't matter. I've just re-enlisted and I am a fully paid up member of the BMWOR again.

    Post count: 2134

    Damn, Alex has gazzumped me: he got home before me and paid his sub, so no chance to pot him for that.I originally "volunteered" Rob for RIC for this run with my tongue-in-cheek, but when the guy turned up wearing "THE HAT", I figured he was taking things seriously, and he made a good job of it, too.  He was very sensible about shortening the run as the weather worsened.00002.jpgAs Neko mentioned, the place was very biker friendly, and we will definitely try to find a fine day to return there.  Here is an image of Neko's "small club sandwich.00009.jpgBarry and his "All Day Breakfast":00010.jpgMalcolm and Jean cleverly bought their other German vehicle, and stayed dry:00012.jpgWhich was fine with the rest of us, but when the cafe staff asked Malcolm what he rode on a day when the sun shone, it raised one of the day's better laughs.00008.jpgGreat Dessert Co's logo is in the form of a truncated column, which shows up quite often, even atop the drinks.00006.jpgA dry Malcolm about to chauffeur a dry Jean home.00013.jpgMost headed straight home, but a (very) few hardy (stupid) individuals went on to the Regional Park for a look, through the rain, at the scenery, after which we retired to Muldoon's at Orewa for some stout flavoured ice cream.  I coulda sworn mine was a Guinness, and it came in a glass, too, not a cone.   

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    A dry Malcolm about to chauffeur a dry Jean home.00013.jpgMost headed straight home, but a (very) few hardy (stupid) individuals went on to the Regional Park for a look, through the rain, at the scenery, after which we retired to Muldoon's at Orewa for some stout flavoured ice cream.  I coulda sworn mine was a Guinness, and it came in a glass, too, not a cone.   my old man had a car that colour once. They called it Daytona yellow on  Mk 111 Ford cortinas. Dont think he had shackles like that one to get the rear end higher though

    Post count: 128

    Ok, so we copped a bit of light rain most of the day but that wasn't going to dampen our spirits.  🙄 I was going to take the car but Frau Baron gave me a quick shot of “harden up” then on with the jacket and off to the Westgate rendezvous. Bwucie gave us the safety lesson then introduced the eight bikers to today's new R.I.C. Rob took control of this situation with consumate ease and we all took turns following the big cruiser to enjoy a lovely lunch. As mentioned previously, this place is a “must return to” with great food and excellent views. Enjoyed a strange flavoured double cone on the return journey at Muldoon's but hey what do you expect from an Irish ice cream parlour. Great day with fabulous company as usual. Well done Rob. You da man!Herr and Frau Baron

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