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  • Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Geat weekend.  Thanks to Richard and Peter for helping me get going again a couple of times and thanks to ALex for leading a great ride back north of Taumarunui – great pace on dry and clear roads. Some photos follow [hopefully]P1000255.jpgP1000227.jpgP1000228.jpgP1000233.jpgP1000231.jpgP1000236.jpgP1000238.jpgP1000244.jpgP1000247.jpgP1000252.jpgP1000257.jpgP1000259.jpgP1000261.jpgP1000263.jpgP1000265.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I am slightly less sore today. Haggis got his giant bike through all the challenge sections. Peter Z. didn't drop his bike once. Richard is a little more sore than I am. It's fair to say that we had a great time last weekend. The CCA is an excellent adventure.Here are some of my pictures.DSC00933.jpgDSC00944.jpgDSC00946.jpgDSC00947.jpgDSC00950.jpgDSC00953.jpgDSC00954.jpgDSC00961.jpgDSC00962.jpgDSC00976.jpgDSC00977.jpgDSC00980.jpgDSC00990.jpg

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Great pics looks like you all had a ball.  😀

    Post count: 487

    Got to concur, a great ride on Saturday. Being part of the sweep crew was a little more interesting than the traditional spot out front opening gates. Got the chance to wait until everyone took off before getting into it for a change. Even managed to get a few photos in the morning (different story in the afternoon though).Great to see the Auckland boys down for it!IMG_0985.jpgThe sweep crew just getting warmed up.IMG_0988.jpgUsual group of rat bikes, hard case these guys. We ended up towing that Kawasaki 750 from Stratton Street to the lunch stop. He did sort the problem during lunch though (dodgy carb) and managed to finish the day.IMG_0989.jpgCraig Thompson got his first puncture in 169,000 kilometres (first of two of the day to assist with). He was running tubeless on the back and cut his tyre wall on the rocks. Fortunately I had a spare tube and all the kit to get it sorted.IMG_0992.jpgGood to see the other two sweeps helping out.IMG_0993.jpgCraig needed the tyre sorted to make this climb outIMG_0994.jpgI suppose if you're going to get a puncture, there’s no many better places for it to happen.IMG_0995.jpgHere's a few photos of some of the bits you missed out on this year.We were going to do Clarke's Creek in Rallywood Forest. Sadly, the WRC decided the forestry road need to be widened and dropped a whole lot of gums trees on the top end of the track, no access for us this time around. But we scoped it out couple of weeks earlier. Would have been real messy had it rained though.IMG_0923.jpgIMG_0922.jpgIMG_0921.jpgThis is one of the tracks we tried out in Transmission Gully. Unfortunately we just couldn't link the land access up this time around.IMG_0920.jpgThe owner on this property changed his mind about a week out. The pipe line is the main gas line servicing the North Island. This is the only exposed piece of it.IMG_0902.jpgIMG_0905.jpgIt also meant we needed to do some serious gorse cutting if we were to get bike through here.IMG_0900.jpgAnd did I mention it was really steep!!IMG_0897.jpgYou might remember the first farm track in the morning and you turned left after the creek crossing and up the hill. IMG_0935.jpgWell, we were going to go straight ahead and up another hill, but this is what happens if that clay gets even slightly moist. Bad luck Eddie.IMG_0959.jpgEddie also got a bit caught out in Trotter's Pines as it was a lot wetter than Saturday the week before. He was alright though.IMG_0979.jpgWe got caught in the big Southerly rip that came through Friday the week previous. Loads of damage along Battle Hill.IMG_0983.jpgThe thing is, you can't really argue when you have access to scenery like thisIMG_0970.jpgIMG_0978.jpgI hope everyone enjoyed the CCA as much as I did.

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