Home Forums General Discussion IanS. is in hospital

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Just heard that Ian S. is in Hospital. Chris McArdle has posted over on Advrider. Here is what he wrote:/day allI have just heard from Ian Sowden's (Postie) wife Carol that Ian is in a Auckland hospitable with a broken right leg, snapped both the Tibula and Fibula. OUCH!!Happened last week end on the Great Barrier Island. He was travelling with a group of riders, all of them stopped except for one complete f***k wit who was f***king around showing off, and lost control of his bike and slamed into Ian's right leg.Ian had to edure excruciating pain for several hours while two of the party went looking for help, there was no mobile service where the collision occured.He was airvaced to Auckland.Heal quickly mate.

    Post count: 63

    Another reason I ride alone or with very few people

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    True, but it's nice to a have a couple of mates who can go and get help. It must have been just outside of Telecom's 97% coverage of where New Zealanders work live and play, so no opportunity for an ad then.I hope there are no complications and that he will heal well.

    Post count: 2134

    Another reason I ride alone or with very few people


    Post count: 305

    Wow Dean, you're leaving yourself wide open on that one.

    Post count: 68

    yes OUCH indeed! Hope you heal up quickly Ian.And yes, same reason I was ALWAYS very picky about who I went shooting with... just 'cause ya got a licence doesn't mean ya got any sense  🙁cheersTracy

    Post count: 2

    I know how he feels, I too broke both those bones, while riding my K100 back in September, I am still off work and will be for a wee while yet. My thoughts are with him. On the plus side, having all this time available to me and being semi mobile now, the bike is almost repaired, just waiting for a couple of parts ex UK to finish it off.

    Post count: 29

    Out of Hospital now hopping around at home on crutches complete with new titanium part and screws.Thanks for your thoughts.Merry ChristmasIan

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Heal well Ian. Good to see you are up and about. The tib/fib club is a large on and growing, by the looks of it. Merry Christmas to you too.Alex

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