Home Forums Motorcycle Tech Talk Nitrogen Filled Tyres ?

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  • honeybear.2399
    Post count: 232

    Has anyone used Nitrogen in their tyres ?  If so why?  Phil

    Post count: 2134

    Yup, I use Nitrogen in my tyres, along with all the other bog-standard gases that constitute the atmosphere.No power on Earth is going to convince me I should pay some plonker at Vince Hyde Blunt Axe Co Ltd or whatever tyre firm to fill my tyres with Nitrogen when I have a free alternative.Any claims they may make about longevity or whatever would be a load of tosh with a bike tyre, 'cos we wear them out before we would reap any benefit. ('course, if I hadn't just been down the South Island to visit my ancient and wrinkly Father, then my tyres would look better.)It is sometimes used in race tyres because it only expands 80% as much as air with temperature changes. DTY would probably benefit from this. Us standard humans? Doubt it.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Air = Nitrogen – 78.09 %  and Oxygen – 20.95%  plus minute traces of others. If there was more oxygen, we'd all have to be non-smokers :-).

    Post count: 267

    Oxygen can pass through rubber. This is why you should check your tyres often and also explains why they loose so much pressure after the initial inflation.Heat is the big enemy of tyres. They are all designed to work in a set heat range, to cold they dont grip, to hot they wear excessivley. (must learn to spell that wurd one day  :-D). If tyres run at to low pressure they build up heat  :x. To much heat can also cause damage to the case. 99% of those bits of truck tyre you see on the highways are from recaps that have been put onto a case that has been overheated at some time in its life, but I digress  🙄Do tyre manufacturers design tyres to run on pure Nitrogen or just your plain old yacht fuel, ahhh now theres the question we should be asking  😀

    Post count: 305

    Uhhh, yeah.  What he said.  😕Anyway, no one in the BMW forum puts pure nitrogen in their tyres (sorry Bwucie).  Or at least no one will admit to it anyway.  We are by and large obsessive-compulsive, scientific, logical, pragmatic, and freakishly frugal.  So if you accept all that, we must also accept that Dean swears by pure nitrogen.To make up for the losses of natural air (with that icky 20% oxygen) through the pores in the rubber of your tyres, a free shot from the servo's compressor every month will do fine to top it up.  But I'm sure you check your pressures before and after every ride like I do, right?  Then log the results in the spreadsheet, right?  Along with fuel consumption, oil consumption, kilometres traveled, barometric pressure, tread depth, rider weight and cost of lunch.By the way, the folks who use pure nitrogen are so hell-bent on proving that they lose less pressure compared to those who use free air, that they check their tyre pressures all the time. The resulting frequent squirts into the pressure gauge is greater than the losses of free air through the pores of the tyres.  This effect is typically overcome by doctoring the spreadsheet.DTY

    Post count: 2134

    Geez, Dave, spreadsheets? Buggar, I'm doing it wrong.Only checked how many molecules of air had exfiltrated my tyres twice in the week I was away visiting Dad, too. Will I be drummed out of the Register?I was anal enough to record my fuel use on the trip: at 4.9032L/100Km I wish I hadn't bothered. Musta eaten too many Bambi pies while I was travelling.And as for these pure nitrogen runners, just how do they evacuate all the air that was originally in their tyre to replace it with their good stuff? Methinks the tyre guys are pulling their legs.

    Post count: 305

    Good point.I guess they could always pump the nitrogen in at around 100psi, then wait a few minutes while the oxygen molecules work their way out through the pores of the rubber.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    We have to check the tire pressure?

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    But I'm sure you check your pressures before and after every ride like I do, right?

    Some of us have the tyre pressures checked continuously while we ride. 😀

    Post count: 2134

    Has anyone used Nitrogen in their tyres ?  If so why?  Phil

    😀 Gotta admire the rest of us on this Forum, eh, Phil?We only ever supply straightforward and informative answers to simple questions, and never take the Michael. 😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Michael is my middle name  😀

    Post count: 267

    Spread the sheet on the ground and rode over it. Didnt see any logs and most noticable result was from the woman who chased me down the driveway, should she have thrown logs at me? How will Nitrogen affect the impact of the logs landing on the spread sheet?Life was less complicated once  😕

    Post count: 2134

    Now we have Phil Goff riding will we see compulsory Nitrogen filled tires. 🙄 

    Post count: 2134

    Now we have Phil Goff riding will we see compulsory Nitrogen filled tires. 🙄 

    Is there something about having the name Phil 😮

    Post count: 232

    Has anyone used Nitrogen in their tyres ?  If so why?  Phil

    😀 Gotta admire the rest of us on this Forum, eh, Phil?We only ever supply straightforward and informative answers to simple questions, and never take the Michael. 😀

    Well the response to a simple ?'s is overwhelming.  I shall have to think of some more simple?'s ot ask the experts. 😀

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