Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134


    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    thanks for that. any chance you could change your user name to CuT&pasTe”

    Post count: 2134

    thanks for that. any chance you could change your user name to CuT&pasTe"

    I thought  some may be interested if not I'll stop easy really 🙄

    Tim BLAKE
    Post count: 40

    Please don't stop. I have found the info you have put up very interesting and it makes the site a great place to look for the info when you don't have a lot of time to surf the net yourself. If you find any picture sites of boxer BMWs racing, I'd like to have the address (do you have any Steve.B?). I found some from the 1000km endurance race at Hockenheim recently and loved that. I was surprised with our only one (as far as I know) HP2 Sport in New Zealand, how many there were in that race (different class to the 1000RR). (I  posted the address under one of the other threads)

    Post count: 286

    Keep posting up. But can you avoid all caps in the title it makes it hard to read. Cheers.

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    Acknowledging the source of the posted material would also be a common courtesy. Even if it's a BMW press release.

    Post count: 2134

    Acknowledging the source of the posted material would also be a common courtesy. Even if it's a BMW press release.

    What ever I will not post again.

    John Jensen
    Post count: 15

    Don't be put off by a couple of people who may not be interested. Many of us are and appreciate the effort you put into it.

    Post count: 487

    Don't be put off by a couple of people who may not be interested. Many of us are and appreciate the effort you put into it.

    Second that, saves me doing it  😀 You fully recovered and zooming around like a mad thing again Dean?

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    if you cut and paste something you should post the source. it is common knowledge. if i post something i always put the link i got it from. internet etiquette. I do believe there is a post some way back asking persons to do this.

    Post count: 232

    if you cut and paste something you should post the source. it is common knowledge. if i post something i always put the link i got it from. internet etiquette. I do believe there is a post some way back asking persons to do this.

    Get a life

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    whats your problem Phil. all we ask is you post the link you got it from. I don't have a problem with that. i like to see where it came from. or has this gone over your head 😮 

    Tim BLAKE
    Post count: 40

    Another weekend coming up – please keep going Kiwi Adventure we enjoy your readiness to share! Quite honestly some of us don't care where your interesting updates come from and are quite happy to leave all that intellectual property crap behind us when we leave the office. If we don't believe what we are reading, and it is important enough, we can surf the net and find the source ourselves.

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    Acknowledging the source of the posted material would also be a common courtesy. Even if it's a BMW press release.

    What ever I will not post again.

    hes back. post 10,1677.0.html 

    Post count: 2134

    Acknowledging the source of the posted material would also be a common courtesy. Even if it's a BMW press release.

    What ever I will not post again.

    hes back. post 10,1677.0.html 

    Correct I have posted no race reviews but now the site is back up and running correctly I'll keep going.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
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