Home Forums Rides Calendar WIMA Pink Ribbon Ride Oct.11

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    The annual WIMA Pink Ribbon Ride is to be held:    Sunday 11 October 2009    Departing at 10.30am from the Auckland Netball Centre, cnr Stonefields Ave & College Rd, St Johns     Ending at Western Springs Stadium Car Park (the usual ending point)More details and a copy of a poster will be emailed out soon.In the meantime, if there are any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. (aka Julie Swift)Pink Ribbon Ride Co-ordinatorWIMA Auckland BranchHm: 570 2504Mob: 021 614 646

    Post count: 151

    WIMA is going to take breast cancer survivors as pillion passengers.If you can take a pillion, please come early and make your offer to WIMA staff.Also if you have any spare motorcycle gear that you can lend to those pillion passengers, it would be appreciated.The ride will gets Police escort  😎 and traffic lights will be Green for us.A TV crew is expected on the day.  😮They are from Asia Downunder, a program on TVNZ.Please note the new meeting place.Auckland Netball Centre : Stonefields Ave, St JohnsPinkRibbonRide.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUHiPlease pass onto your members .....Thank you so so much for attending the 6th annual WIMA Auckland Branch Pink Ribbon Ride 2009. We had our biggest day yet and it was a huge success with 440+ bikes & and estimated 600-700 participants (we counted the bikes with sheep counters but not the participants !!!).  We are so glad we had found a bigger start venue this year as our previous one would not have coped. A ceremonial cheque presentation of $11,400 was given to Suzanne of the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation at the end of the prize giving on Sunday but once all the accounts are completed it is more than likely that the actual amount will be in excess of that total when a formal cheque presentation takes place at the NZBCF offices next Thursday 22 October. Keep an eye out on the WIMA website ... http://www.wima.org.nz for the final figure. If you would like to view video clips and photos of the day just click on the following link:     Video clips http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pink+ribbon+ride&search_type=&aq=f        Photos http://www.wima.org.nz          and then click on the Auckland Branch photo and this will take you to Picasa and the WIMA Auckland Branch 2009 photos     To view other photos click on http://picasaweb.google.com/WIMAchicks Next year's ride is scheduled for Sunday 10 October 2010 - please schedule it in on your rides calendar & diaries. Again, from the WIMA Auckland Branch members and Pink Ribbon Ride 2009 committee ....THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUWe couldn't have done it without you. Julie Swift (Julez)Pink Ribbon Ride Co-ordinatorWIMA Auckland BranchPh: 570 2504 or 021 614 646

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