Home Forums General Discussion Re: Arai Freeway open face helmet

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  • Murray
    Post count: 487
    Post count: 487

    Why not

    35% of all motorcycle crashes end with a major impact on the chin-bar area. Wearing one of these things means you are choosing to accept around 39% of the protection you could have. You are literally throwing away 61% of the protection you would have had had you chosen a full-face helmet.Have a think about what it costs (in pain and money) for facial reconstruction work, if you were to survive an accident at all. Unfortunately, I once had to help a guy who lost his bike wearing one of these helmets try to hold his face together before an ambulance arrived. Once was enough for me and that is, essentially, 'why not'.

    Post count: 2134

    Oh my, it seems I've attracted the attention of a health and safety nazi . So far as I'm aware this is a free state and if someone wants to buy a crash helmet that exceeds the relevent government approved standards then they can do so. If safety is such a big issue for you then stick to 4 wheels, wrap yourself up in cotton wool and stop trying to sabotage a legitimate sale of a quality product. In other words keep your nose out and get a life ! PS There are lies, dam lies, and statistics

    Steve Applegath
    Post count: 22

    Try a Shark evoline… open face for low speed town and dirt … lovely in summer … full face at hiway speed or when the weather turns bad… great

    Post count: 487

    Oh my, it seems I've attracted the attention of a health and safety nazi . So far as I'm aware this is a free state and if someone wants to buy a crash helmet that exceeds the relevent government approved standards then they can do so. If safety is such a big issue for you then stick to 4 wheels, wrap yourself up in cotton wool and stop trying to sabotage a legitimate sale of a quality product. In other words keep your nose out and get a life ! PS There are lies, dam lies, and statistics

    You have just so missed the point  🙄

    Post count: 2134

    Oh my, it seems I've attracted the attention of a health and safety nazi . So far as I'm aware this is a free state and if someone wants to buy a crash helmet that exceeds the relevent government approved standards then they can do so. If safety is such a big issue for you then stick to 4 wheels, wrap yourself up in cotton wool and stop trying to sabotage a legitimate sale of a quality product. In other words keep your nose out and get a life ! PS There are lies, dam lies, and statistics

    You have just so missed the point  🙄Missed the point ? I'm sorry but it seemed to me that you were pointing out to any that were interested that a safety product that has been on the market for maybe a 100 years is actually not safe at all. Open faced helmets are legal on the road and track throughout the world, surely the government do gooders around the globe would have banned them if they were so very inferior to YOUR preferred choice. As for your accident stats I think they're bullshit, 30 years on the road and track makes me think this. Not some number crunching agency or 1 unpleasant experience.

    Post count: 2134

    Try a Shark evoline... open face for low speed town and dirt ... lovely in summer ... full face at hiway speed or when the weather turns bad... great

    Evidently open faced helmets are the work of satan and no one should even entertain the notion of buying one !

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Well I certainly wouldnt buy one either and I agree entirely with NZGSers comments, same as I cringe everytime I see someone riding a bike with shorts, tee shirt and jandels so I dont see why you are getting so upset about it.Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so perhaps you should advertise your helmet on a forum with riders more suited to riding with open face helmets and tassles on their jackets.  🙂

    Leo Allom
    Post count: 7

    I'm not sure which planet “kshurey” is from but 15 mins searching on the net would indicate that there are a number of reliable sources that have reservations about the efficacy of an open face helmet.

    Post count: 2134

    Well I certainly wouldnt buy one either and I agree entirely with NZGSers comments, same as I cringe everytime I see someone riding a bike with shorts, tee shirt and jandels so I dont see why you are getting so upset about it.Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so perhaps you should advertise your helmet on a forum with riders more suited to riding with open face helmets and tassles on their jackets.  🙂

    All I'm trying to do is sell a crash helmet, apparently this contravenes the BMWOR's very narrow moral standards and as such I'm now being hounded of the website. So lets get things clear, the BMWOR is only open to those who choose to wear full face helmets and jackets without tassles. Anything else ? What type of gloves do the attire police want me to wear ? How about religion, skin colour, sexual preferance ?

    Post count: 2134

    Woohoo, Mr Bell and I have company in the inappropriate behaviour corner: how many naughty stools will the Register have to provide?

    Post count: 2134

    I'm not sure which planet "kshurey" is from but 15 mins searching on the net would indicate that there are a number of reliable sources that have reservations about the efficacy of an open face helmet.

    I'm from the planet FREE CHOICE, so do you think military pilots should wear full face helmets? How about mountain climbers ? or construction workers ? or cyclists ? Why don't you go to google and type in : define 'freedom of choice' should take somewhat less than 15 mins.

    Post count: 2134

    Woohoo, Mr Bell and I have company in the inappropriate behaviour corner: how many naughty stools will the Register have to provide?

    At last, someone who isn't a narrow minded humourless conformist.You're my new best mate !

    Post count: 232

    You have just so missed the point  🙄And so have you  🙄

    Post count: 2134

    You have just so missed the point  🙄And so have you   🙄I like you to !

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