Home Forums General Discussion Dave the Yank’s handiwork.

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    So this is how the high tech toll the heck out of you bizzo works: http://www.landtransport.govt.nz/tollroad/ .Seeing as it is (temporarily) baksheesh for motor-sickles, I might actually use it sometime. Being a tight-fisted grinch I will go the other way in my cage (like a helluva lot of other people, I suspect, as in Tauranga).Baycorp or somesuch are gonna make a bomb collecting all the unpaid tolls: good luck to them on that! Maybe they will have to change a law somewhere so you can't relicense your vehicle if you have outstanding tolls and or fines (not that it stops us South Aucklanders driving unlicensed vehicles, anyway). And in a country with about 6.2 venal bloodsucking civil libertarian lawyers for every policeman, and a Parliament full of schoolteachers and lawyers, we have two shows of any law ever being passed which would make anyone other than the victims of crime responsible for anything.

    Post count: 305

    Quite right, Bwucie!  Dean would have said the same had he your vocabulary and spelling skills.I suspect that quite a few will agree with both of you, and go around.  The trucks, however, won't find it economical and will find that $4 is less expensive than grinding their gears and burning fuel over those hills.  What that leaves us is a pleasant winding coastal road travelled by the tight-fisted, un-hurried cagers, and bikes.Try the new motorway once or twice on the bike before you start going around though.  It's a spectacular sight!By the way, would anyone be interested in a bikes-only  ride on Saturday 24 January, the day before the motorway opens?  I have permission from the project director to bring up to 100 of my closest mates through if it advances a charity.  Thinking about a $5 donation per person to benefit the NZ Cancer Society.  It may be your only chance to pay to travel the new motorway!Details to follow...

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    In! I am sure it would still be classed as a private road by then? You have a 100 close mates? I am impressed! I know that Dean has been looking forward to this event.If you want, we can put it on the rides calendar and make the attendance compulsory :-D.

    Post count: 2134

    I'm in you only have 98 to go. 🙄 If this gets out you may have a 1,000 close mates turn up. 😀

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Sounds good to me Davie

    Post count: 286

    I'm in…. what time?

    Paul Greaves
    Post count: 13

    I'm in…… the pub afterwards !!

    Post count: 67

    Me too..

    Post count: 2

    Hey Big Boy…I am sorry I called you Sarah Palin the other day…cos she wanted to sue me for copyright infringement….I sent her your picture and told her to take a side profile view of herself…and she finally backed off cos her sideburns are just as big…..anyway I hear you are inviting people to scream through the tunnel…and some of us might be lucky enough to ride bikes whilst we are screaming…..Pretty please….luv always Dave the Pom K12S shiny toy boy etc… 😮

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Would love to come along Dave but number one son is playing at a gig on the Barrier and we're hoping to be there.

    John Jensen
    Post count: 15

    Any more happening on this one?

    Post count: 286

    Yep, it's over in the rides calender I think and may well be fully subscribed. It appears Dave as at least 100 friends… that are going back to his place afterwards or sumthin.http://forum.bmwor.org.nz/index.php/topic,1474.0.html

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