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  • Clive Lawrence
    Post count: 131

    Is there any way in which I can find out my membership number…or get me badge??Dave 😕

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Is there any way in which I can find out my membership number...or get me badge??Dave 😕

    Assuming you have gone through the regular membership application process via the website and have paid online, or with a cheque, you should receive your number and badge within a few weeks.The membership cards are made up in batch lots, and they get send back and forth a couple of times. Unfortunately this process takes a little bit of time. If it has been several weeks and you've had no response, you should contact John Wuts at [url=http://membership@bmwor.org.nz]membership@bmwor.org.nz [/url]Hope this helps.

    Clive Lawrence
    Post count: 131


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