Home Forums Rides Calendar AKL 0ct.19 Register Ride to the Nikau Cafe Waikeretu

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    This is a new location and looks to be a good one. There is plenty of opportunity for a gravel ride as well, but the road to the Cafe is sealed, or so I was told.Meet at BP Papakura for a 9.30am departure. We'll tiki tour around for a little while and the head for the cafe' [img width=150 height=103]http://forum.bmwor.org.nz/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=653.0;attach=372;image[/img]map.jpgcafe_1_l.jpg

    Post count: 305

    That looks like a good one!Do you remember that the guy who runs Cafe Kaos in Tuakau also took over the cafe at Port Waikato?  We must try that sometime too.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    That looks like a good one!Do you remember that the guy who runs Cafe Kaos in Tuakau also took over the cafe at Port Waikato?  We must try that sometime too.

    Yes we must do that. Thanks for reminding me.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Not sure if the one at Port Waikato is open yet, as he mentioned it would be around November.By the way Alex, what maps do you use to put on the web site ?

    Post count: 286

    Alex the road all the way down to the cafe is sealed. And a pretty good road to ride. There is gravel North and south of here.You can also do the Nikau cave walk which Amy and I did a few weeks back. You will need to be in shorts, t-shirt and a jumper that you can afford to get wet. There is a squeeze where you are face down under a rock with not a lot of clearance between you and the water.A nice cave system though and the family are nice people.Waikato Adventures are also a couple of streets away and if you're interested they have caves, and other adventure events as well as NZ's longest flying fox. You get harnessed in and fly across a valley above the tree tops. From memory you're around 13 metres in the air.Simon Worsp is a great host and has accommodation there and in Raglan available for booking.The cafe is an interesting building in an interesting location.

    Paul Greaves
    Post count: 13

    Just come back from “Kaos @the Coast” at the Port, it is well and truly open and they look forward to our patronage. Tel No 09232 8008 if twenty  or more ride down there for a Sunday LunchBy the way for the Nikau Cafe ride , do you think you will be riding over the Tuakau Bridge again, if so I'll meet you on the south side againDanny B

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Not sure if the one at Port Waikato is open yet, as he mentioned it would be around November.By the way Alex, what maps do you use to put on the web site ?

    The map on this page is from the Nikau Cafe'. Why do you ask?

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Hi, if it's OK I will join you tomorrow on my GS 1200A.  See you at the BP station.

    Post count: 305

    You're most welcome Haggis on your GSA!Aye, a reet grand beek it is!You'll likely get down and back on half a tank.  DTY

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I really enjoyed the ride and the destination today, thanks to all who've attended the ride. We even got a bit of gravel in towards the end. We'll have do this again early next year.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Likewise Alex, we had a good day and it was great to see so many faces.  Is there something we don't know about being the one to stop at a corner and point the way? we began to think there was a bonus for the number of times you managed to be on duty.  A couple of times we were next in line when two or three riders would roar past us jostling for the spot  🙄  Interesting that it always seemed to be the same few riders 😉  Good one guys.Thanks to all for a good day.

    Post count: 305

    Hi Malcolm.  The nature of the pointing system dictates that those who ride at Alex's pace will always be on pointing duty.  While it may look like we are jostling for the spot, it's actually just taking opportunities when there is room, sometimes only to find that 200m later there is a turn!  An outstanding day!  It was great to meet so many new people, and discover a great new road.  Well done Alex!

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I felt like a hare being chased by the hounds. Hares like to change directions a lot :-).

    Post count: 305

    Man, what a busy week!  I've just finished editing a couple of videos from the day.  One from the start, and one after lunch.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybFZNYf2JIA - about 9.5min.  It's quite compressed so not offered in high qualityhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw9sy1-GXOk - about 5min.  Less compression, so click "watch in high quality"I sure enjoyed that road between Waikaretu and Hwy 22.  We will have to do that again!DTY

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Great video's Dave, liked the music too.

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