Home Forums Rides Calendar HUB – The ride

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    Post count: 68

    The HUB Ride (Harden Up Boys) This will cover some of the North Island's most scenic gravel roads DATE - 26th June - 1st JulySTARTS       - Auckland (meeting place and time TBA)FINISHES – Where ever we end upThese dates are the best to allow us to do both beaches with plenty of time either side of low tide 🙂The deal isTENTS ONLYFREE CAMP GROUNDS/CAMPING AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE (Beach, Rivers etc)I have worked out a rough route that will include as much gravel as possible, however I don't think we will get to the East Cape/Coromandel, not unless those that are going are keen to ride some serious miles  😀Baylys BeachNinety Mile BeachWaipuAnd as much gravel as possibleHowever is saying that, some of the route I have planned I have never been on, I have just been studying topomaps, so there maybe a few U- turns, but that makes this part of the adventure!RulesGoes ahead regardless of weather (unless dangerous to ones health or safety)No motels/hotels/ cabins of any sort (unless safety is compromised)No Shaving (this includes the ladies )All equipment must be carried on the bikes.No support vehicles allowed.There will be no plan as to where we have to be each night, we will wing it.You must be prepared for riding in ALL weather conditions, so make sure you have suitable wet weather and warm riding equipment, and that your sleeping bag is kept dry at all times, and check your tent is waterproof, it isn’t much fun if you are wet and cold from riding and then your tent leaks!All riders must carry an emergency blanketIt is strongly recommended that all riders have a fire extinguisher (due to the fact we maybe in isolated areas and with cooking and tents it is very good insurance)Also spare tubes/puncture repair kits, although any breakdowns/punctures will be a team effortThis trip will NOT BE suitable for novice riders to gravel, as we may need to keep some pace on, and the some of the beaches may be a little difficult with fully laden bikes.For those riders (and or pillions) that are a little soft, you can tag along for a day or two of this ride. However I recommend you also stay in tents with us – Why?I am not sure where will end up each dayIf you are interested let me know.Any suggestions/ideas feel free to post here, I will update this post as information comes to handRegards

    David Yeo
    Post count: 30

    Hi Scott you are talking my language count me in 8-). If you plan on going up north you can come to Howick and stop over night with us I have a big carport and space for 4 small tents and maybe room for 4 riders in our lounge for 1 night up and 1 down.In whangerei I have a friend or 2 that might help us for a night. If I say 4 tents and 4 in doors I mean 4 in total :|.Yes HUB lets just do it. Cheers HentiePS. Now I need to get some knoblies :-D.

    Post count: 267

    I like the no shaving bit  👿 Do we only eat raw meat as well  😮 Count me in 😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    It's an excellent idea. However, it's not my favourite time of the year for camping 🙂 and I can't get time off in June. Maybe I can join you guys for one night north of Auckland or around the Coromandel, if its during a weekend.

    Post count: 68

    Hi Scott you are talking my language count me in 8-). If you plan on going up north you can come to Howick and stop over night with us I have a big carport and space for 4 small tents and maybe room for 4 riders in our lounge for 1 night up and 1 down.In whangerei I have a friend or 2 that might help us for a night. If I say 4 tents and 4 in doors I mean 4 in total :|.Yes HUB lets just do it. Cheers HentiePS. Now I need to get some knoblies :-D.

    Good on ya  😀Still in the early planning stages, but we might take you up on the offer off ya lawn (only if a hot meal comes with it  :-D)Dates I am thinkiing early June to allow others to tag along for 3 days (Queens Birthday Weekend)Cheers Scott

    Post count: 68

    I like the no shaving bit  👿 Do we only eat raw meat as well  😮 Count me in 😀

    Of course we can eat raw meat (especially if we forget the gas cookers)  😀Sounds like there is more mad buggers out there than just me  😀

    Post count: 68

    It's an excellent idea. However, it's not my favourite time of the year for camping 🙂 and I can't get time off in June. Maybe I can join you guys for one night north of Auckland or around the Coromandel, if its during a weekend.

    Of course you would be more than welcome to spend a day, a weekend or longer with us on the tripThats what makes these things funI will keep the details updated as they happenCheers Scott

    Post count: 29

    Sounds like a great idea Scott I should be able to spare a week (or two) so I will watch with interest. Will have to buy a few bits and pieces but I'm sure it will fit on the bike.We now live in (actually just south of) Katikati and like Mirror-Man there is space for tents/garage space/beds etc.Look forward to the unfolding of the idea.CheersIan

    Post count: 68

    Ok I have updated the first post with more detailStarting place etcLet me know if you are comingThere seems to be quite a bit of interest in this trip so I may have to limit the numbers, otherwise it will take forever to get anywhereSo come on, get your bikes out of the garage and wear off some of that showroom polish with dirt.You will also probably freeze parts of your anatomy off, but that is what you will remember  😀Also if you are coming we maybe able to get our heads together so that we don't all carry stuff we don't need, that one person may carry (eg I will have a small cooking shelter/fly)Cheers Scott

    Post count: 68

    Oh yeahAnd if the weather is like it is at the moment (cold southerlies), you better have a good sleeping bag  😀

    Post count: 68

    Sorry there has been a change in the dateI forgot I have something else on over Queens Birthday weekend  😕 😳Still will go ahead though

    Post count: 68

    Ok dates are up nowIt is later in June, but the tides will suit us betterCheers

    Post count: 267

    Bugger  😡 All that training for nothing. The boss has decided that I am in charge of organising the Annual trip to the Naki and the 28th is a good day for it  🙁 Hasnt he ever heard of the pissup in a brewery system!!! Never mind Hentai can have my peice of wire that I have bent into a flash shape for cooking road kill over the open fire.  😀 Have fun guys and see you on the next one

    David Yeo
    Post count: 30

    🙁 Hi guys I must pull out of this one. You are still welcome to stop over at my place. Cheers Hentie.

    David Yeo
    Post count: 30

    Bugger  😡 All that training for nothing. The boss has decided that I am in charge of organising the Annual trip to the Naki and the 28th is a good day for it  🙁 Hasnt he ever heard of the pissup in a brewery system!!! Never mind Hentai can have my peice of wire that I have bent into a flash shape for cooking road kill over the open fire.   😀 Have fun guys and see you on the next one

    Thanks Colin for the flash bent wire, keep it for next time I am out for this time round.Cheers Hentie.

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