Home Forums Members Returning after 20yr lay-off….

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  • David Coyle
    Post count: 3

    Kids are grown up now, so this week, after a few years procrastinating, I bought a new (to me) bike.Itravelled to local and out of town bike stores to try a few of my usual favoured brand (PC800, Goldwing, ST1100), then the dealer mentioned he had a few more bikes upstairs. Up we go and after a little hesitation, Im away on another test ride, my 4th for the week.Too cut a long story short, Im now the new owner of my R1100RT and becoming more confident by the Km. Yes its big, bulky but the ride is OH SO LOVELY to ride. Bikes have certainly come a long way in my 20yr hiatus.OK, now to the point, my 98 model is missing its toolkit, any idea where I can obtain one, 2hd if possible.Is there an online supplier of oil & air filters?Finally, bike came without a Handbook, any idea where I can get one?ThanksJohn in Mosgiel.    🙂

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Welcome to the forum, John. I could imagine that a 2nd hand tool kit would be hard to find. It's probably cheaper just to assemble your own tools for a tool kit. The new bikes don't even seem to have one. Try BMW for a handbook. Alternatively, you may be able to get someone to photocopy you theirs. A Haynes manual is probably more useful anyway.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    you have a beemer and you want a tool kit? 🙄

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    If it's of any interest, I have a Haynes manual covering R850 and R1100 twins from 1993 onwards, that I would be willing to part with. Much more useful than the User's Manual if you want to do any of the servicing yourself, such as valve adjustment and throttle body synchronization.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Hi John, hope you're enjoying riding your new machine in this wonderful weather. Great choice of machine.  If you haven't sourced a BMW Rider's Manual yet – I have one here.  Let me have your postal details and I'll send it down to you.Malcolm

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