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    Post count: 34

    Hi to every one,this is a short introduction on my part,Have just started riding again after a 20 Year break,  now in my late 60's and bought a K1200 LT, the intention was to get a R1100 GS , but another member of the household thought that if I got the LT she may join me on the road, that has not happened, but I like the LT so much I'm loathe to change But in a weak moment a week or so ago I happened to end up with K1200GT in the shed, so far the LT is the preferred machine need more time on the GT.Six months with the LT  has seen over 10K km and a set of tyres, some of that on gravel in the back of Taranaki, felt I needed the practice since it was so long since I last rode.I think I may be looking for a GS to swap for the GT, but lets see what happens in the next few months.I look forward to riding and meeting up with members in this new year Seasons greetings to all Regards Les 

    Post count: 2134

    Hi Less and welcome. You are the man riding an LT on gravel :-o. If you feel you want to ride more gravel and some adventure rides think about a lighter bike than a 1200GS. BMW does have a 450 coming out in 6 months. 😉

    Post count: 34

    Thanks for the suggestion , I had thought a lighter bike may be more appropriate .As for the gravel it was fairly mild, the loop around through Ohura back through Whanga , then home. Other ride was Awakino Kawhia then back on the main rode, so nothing to trying Les

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