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  • Tony Russell
    Post count: 24

    A big hello to all.I'm Norwegian, born 1948, and spent 5 memorable years of my childhood (from 3 to 8) living in Tram Valley Road, near Swanson north of Auckland. Been looking at photos on the forum and for some strange reason I actually feel homesick!Hope to contribute with postings now and then, but obviously photos will be from Norway. Still, might be nice for a change?Anyway, look forward to communicating.Svein 🙂

    Mornay Maree
    Post count: 19

    😀  Ahhhhh Norway. Many happy months spent there every winter as part of our Arctic Warfare training whilst i was in the Royal Marines.Bit on the pricey side of my memory serves me right. Outstandingly beautiful country. You are most welcome.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Hi Svein, and welcome to the forum.I spent 4 happy months in Sandefiord about 30 years ago, converting a ship from a meat boat to a fruit carrier and like petsar68 we found it very expensive.If I remember correctly a pint of beer was over 1 english pounds and it nearly caused me to stop drinking, but luckily I had a friendly bank manager  😀I seem to remember a large statue of a whale boat trying to harpoon a whale and the whales tail flicking out at them (as it would) in the town centre, mvery impressive.RegardsJim

    Ivan Webb
    Post count: 1

    Hi Svein,Know Tram Valley Road well! Lived there for ten years over the 1980s, also visited around 1966/7 staying at the University hut at the end of the road near theSwanson Stream. It was still a loose metal road in the '80s and nearly every time it was graded the ancient water pipe under the road was damaged sending up a spout of water.You will probably recall the hairpin bend by Mays' farm! Swanson School must have been quite small when you attended. Don't recall the house in your photo, though I think the property numbers changed a few times as land was subdivided - I've been told that there are McMansions in the road now and it's lost its rural appearance.Best wishes,Rose

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