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  • Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Time for a new helmet.  Last two have been BMW system 3 and 4 and will stay with flip fronts.  Wondered about Nolan, Schuberth, Shoei as an alternative.  Schuberth is nearly as expensive as the system 5 but with the addition of a neat little drop down (interior) sun visor, then Shoei and Nolan in that order.  The Nolan too has a sun visor but is exterior so would expect it to be a little noisier?  If you have experience with any/all of these I would be pleased to hear your views.  🙂Malcolm

    Clive Lawrence
    Post count: 131

    Malcom,I've got the Nolan N102 and found that the sun visor on the outside does rattle a bit in the wind, I've had no other problems with the helmet though. Trying out the blue tooth rider to pillon next weekend. I prefer the Nolan due to the anti-fog insert...several colours. you can take the sun visor off and replace with some covers and just use the tinted insert.Enjoy your buying.Dave :mrgreen:

    Post count: 232

    NewHelmet.jpg  maybe you should go for one of these 👿

    Post count: 286

    Hi I have the Schuberth S1, what I like is;The pull down visor - great invention and well worth it. It's also internally on the Scorpion's and Caberg. Nolan is outside so not an option I'd take. I use the pop up and down option often. The down side is I forget to take sunglasses so when the helmet comes off I'm one of the few on a summers day with no sunglasses.Downside of the S1 for me is the damned windnoise. There is a roar that I've fixed by placing spacers on my screen to alter the airflow. This killed the roar and i haven't got around to creating a permanent fix. The bike needs a new screen.On faired bikes the Schuberth seems to have some problems with windnoise and I wouldn't buy one again for that reason. The System 4 is much quieter on my bike.Interestingly you seem to get the different comments for the same helmets from different riders. So type of bike, and therefore airflow and the height of the rider all impact how the helmet goes.They're not a quiet helmet, for me on my bike. Hope this helps.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Many thanks for your comments guys.  As you say Des you get completely opposing views about the same helmet from different owners – and I think you've hit the nail on the head (no pun intended) in identifying the style and type of bike as a key factor.  What are you riding Des?Dave, From what I see the Nolan generally gets good reports but I do think the sun visor being on the outside probably causes a few problems with extra noise but some owners love it.  We've never been particularly keen on intercoms but I do think with Bluetooth it eliminates the hassle of wires needing to be hooked up so who knows we may yet get chatting on the road.  Please keep us posted on your findings.Phil, it's hard not to miss the point about your helmet, but while it looks great teamed up with the S I'm not convinced it will look so good on the GS  😉 thanks for the input anyway.

    Post count: 13

    I Have the Nolan, good & fog free, a bit noisy, but what flip front isn't.  Guys on Kiwibiker.co.nz have been getting them from the states dirt cheap.  ($335 incl postage) (Go there & search)

    Post count: 286

    Hi MalcolmI'm riding an F800ST. The turbulence from the screen was causing buffeting so I lifted the two sides up with spacers to let some air under. This killed the buffeting and roar. It's something that's done on a lot of bikes eith fairings but not BMW. It's usually done by mounting the screen slightly off the fairing or putting holes in the lower portions of the screen. The idea is that it breaks up the von karmen vortex. (gets rid of the low pressure zone created behind the screen.What I really need is a new screen design. I thought it was interesting that the designers built a large scoop to direct air over the top of the screen and i haven't seen anyone else do this. I wonder what the purpose is. I'm guessing at high speed the bike will be easier to throw around. But I need to find some one who knows a little about this stuff. I also think my screen is designed to create lift at high speed. All interesting stuff and oddly out of step.I agree with Rob about buying helmets offshore. I also think the local importer for the Caberg is not bringing them in and the Scorpion is not available here either. the Scorpion is getting rave reviews and is incredibly cheap. Nothing like trying a helmet on though.I have one rule for picking a helmet. "Get a haircut before trying and buying", I did it the other way round and it wasn't a smart move. lol.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    And still more good feedback  😆 I'll certainly take a look at overseas prices.  As for the hair cut  :mrgreen: I wish, I'm more this style nowadays  😐 so that's one thing I won't have to worry about.

    Post count: 17

    Hi Malcom,System 5 on an R850R here. Not running a screen just now, but have an R1150R screen to fit. Helmet is pretty quiet, and doesn't want to lift or move around at all. Very happy with the ventilation and anti-fog. I go the matt black version, which comes with a tinted visor as well as a clear visor. The spare visor comes in it's own little pouch. Tinted visor is fantastic. Haven't ridden with the clear visor yet. I'll be fitting blue tooth comms tomorrow hopefully.Once i get round to fitting the screen, i'll let you know if there is much difference.

    Clive Lawrence
    Post count: 131

    Hi Malcom,Have sorted the whole N-COM system out. I did have a bit of a problem with the instal. However once the helpful team at Motorad Welly sorted the problem out the kits all go.Play you sounds through one helmet, auto transfer to the other helmet. Talking breaks in over top of the music and should do the same if anyone really wants to be able to talke on cell when riding.Greta loves the helmet, quiet(less wind noise) able to turn her head and see without the wind trying to take her head off. Hope you've had luck in tracking down helmets.Dave 😎

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Many thanks for taking the time to report Dave.  We have tried on Schuberth, System 5, Nolan and Shoei.  At this stage the Shoei is the most comfortable for both of our head shapes and it also seems to be a little lighter than the competition.  It comes with a spare visor and pinlock as well as a chin cover and “Whisper Kit” which fits around the neck to block draughts and noise.   Motomail are getting our sizes in and we will be able to take them for a short run on Saturday to try them out for noise and on road comfort.  Will keep you all posted – thanks again to all  who took the time to reply to my request.  🙂Malcolm

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