Home Forums General Discussion Show us your Airhead

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I'll startDSC03039.jpg

    Post count: 232

    Now I know what an Air Head looks like I must have an Oil Head. 👿  Phil 😳

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Now I know what an Air Head looks like I must have an Oil Head. 👿  Phil 😳

    Snob 😀 😉

    Post count: 400

    Water and soap 😕 😕 👿Still good runners. 😉

    Post count: 63

    Here are few more for the heap. Jim, the Airhead!!

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Nice bike Alex,  mine started off as an airhead, then became a well covered head :mrgreen: and now it's well on the way to being an airhead again  😆  The one that I'm leaning on of course is an oil head and I love it.Malcolm

    Post count: 232

    This sounds like. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.  Phil

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    This sounds like. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.  Phil

    No, not at all. I've showed you mine, now show me yours. The airhead guys seem to be very protective of their rides, they probably spend too much time cleaning them, so they rarely get to see daylight.

    Post count: 232

    This sounds like. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.  Phil

    No, not at all. I've showed you mine, now show me yours. Ok you know I have an oil head  The view most people see 👿 Phil  [img][/img]

    Post count: 286

    PhilAre you saying the view most people see of your bike is ...... it parked in the garage? 😀Sadly I don't know how to post a photo...

    Post count: 232

    PhilAre you saying the view most people see of your bike is it...parked in the garage? 😀Sadly I don't know how to post a photo...

    Re posting photos, you should learn it's not hard. Maybe our web master could post instructions  on this forum how to do it.As for the photo of the bike in the garage, I have not yet worked out how to take a photo of the rear of the bike while riding it, I'm sure there is a way using Photo-shop. I'll work on it.   Any way look how tidy the garage is 🙄  Phil

    Post count: 286

    Phil Yes the garage is tidy. It was the tidyness of the garage that led me to believe the bike spent a lot of time there.  :-D. You always get someone to take a photo as you ride past or from another bike. As for posting photo's I was cameraless for awhile and now that I have one back I'll have to find something useful to post.We did an interesting ride yesterday and unfortunately had no camera. Bit of an offroad experience where I discovered that an F800 on road tyres doesn't do too badly off road. There was one point where I hoped off the bike and it just stood there. Road tyres have limited off road capabilities. I also discovered that 12 mile bay is 12 miles from Muriwai, that you should carry a tyre gauge if you want to lower tyre pressures, there are seals on the west coast that let you get quite close to them, sand dunes are obstacles to progress, riding faster on sand is better than riding slower, avoid the seaweed paste at all cost, and fill up at the last gas station before going off road.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Just received these pics from a good friend.  Apparently they're the local chapter of HA in Peru…. Would they rate as “airheads”  😉HarleyDavidson-Ifugao.jpgHarletDavidson-Ifugao2.jpgMalcolm

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    They are very close to being airheads, as long as it's down hill. The improved version can go up hill under its own steam :-).

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    I used to describe the back brake on my old “89  PD as “wooden” now I know I had exactly the right description  😆

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